Quotes of Tractor - somelinesforyou

“ There are only three things that can kill a farmer: lightning, rolling over in a tractor, and old age. ”

- Bill Bryson

“ Hi vibrato sounded like he was driving a tractor over a ploughed field with weights tied to his scrotum. ”

- Spike Milligan

“ When first graders shoot first graders, it's time for Congress to do what's right for America's families. ”

- Bill Clinton

“ It requires humility to stop moving and shaking long enough to be present to people. To allow someone to pull you in on the tractor beam of their gaze is to submit to that person. Taking long enough to hear the details of the whole truth impinges on our longing to get ahead in a me-first, look-out-for-number-one way of living… ”

- Jan Johnson

“ There are only three things that can kill a farmer: lightning, rolling over in a tractor, and old age. ”

- Bill Bryson

“ Hi vibrato sounded like he was driving a tractor over a ploughed field with weights tied to his scrotum. ”

- Spike Milligan

“ When first graders shoot first graders, it's time for Congress to do what's right for America's families. ”

- Bill Clinton

“ It requires humility to stop moving and shaking long enough to be present to people. To allow someone to pull you in on the tractor beam of their gaze is to submit to that person. Taking long enough to hear the details of the whole truth impinges on our longing to get ahead in a me-first, look-out-for-number-one way of living… ”

- Jan Johnson

“ There are only three things that can kill a farmer: lightning, rolling over in a tractor, and old age. ”

- Bill Bryson

“ Hi vibrato sounded like he was driving a tractor over a ploughed field with weights tied to his scrotum. ”

- Spike Milligan

“ When first graders shoot first graders, it's time for Congress to do what's right for America's families. ”

- Bill Clinton

“ It requires humility to stop moving and shaking long enough to be present to people. To allow someone to pull you in on the tractor beam of their gaze is to submit to that person. Taking long enough to hear the details of the whole truth impinges on our longing to get ahead in a me-first, look-out-for-number-one way of living… ”

- Jan Johnson

“ There are only three things that can kill a farmer: lightning, rolling over in a tractor, and old age. ”

- Bill Bryson

“ Hi vibrato sounded like he was driving a tractor over a ploughed field with weights tied to his scrotum. ”

- Spike Milligan

“ When first graders shoot first graders, it's time for Congress to do what's right for America's families. ”

- Bill Clinton

“ It requires humility to stop moving and shaking long enough to be present to people. To allow someone to pull you in on the tractor beam of their gaze is to submit to that person. Taking long enough to hear the details of the whole truth impinges on our longing to get ahead in a me-first, look-out-for-number-one way of living… ”

- Jan Johnson
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