Quotes of Thursday - somelinesforyou

“ Today must be a Thursday. I could never get the hang of Thursdays. ”

- Douglas Adams

“ Take a film of Jacques Tati like Mon Oncle which has something quite new - for me, unique - in it. ”

- Norman McLaren

“ Here's wishing your Black Friday injuries aren't so severe that you can't click a mouse on Cyber Monday. ”

- Unknown

“ Liverpool can be very lonely on a Saturday night, and it's only Thursday morning. ”

- Paul Angelis

“ Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining. ”

- Jef Raskin

“ Success four flights Thursday morning all against twenty one mile wind started from Level with engine power alone speed through air thirty one miles longest 57 second inform Press home Christmas. ”

- Orville Wright

“ If I love you Wednesday, What is that to you? I do not love you Thursday — so much is true. ”

- Edna St. Vincent Millay

“ If God had an agent, the world wouldn't be built yet. It'd only be about Thursday. ”

- Jerry Reynolds

“ What we're really talking about is a wonderful day set aside on the fourth Thursday of November when no one diets. I mean, why else would they call it Thanksgiving? ”

- Erma Bombeck

“ God runs electromagnetics by wave theory on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and the Devil runs them by quantum theory on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. ”

- Sir William Bragg

“ He wondered if he would kiss her and when he would kiss her and if she wanted to be kissed and if she were thinking of it, but she asked him what he would have to eat tonight at his hotel. He said clam chowder. Thursday, he said, they always have clam chowder… ”

- James Thurber

“ The hotel was once where things coalesced, where you could meet both townspeople and travelers. Not so in a motel. No matter how you build it, the motel remains the haunt of the quick and dirty, where the only locals are Chamber of Commerce boys every fourth Thursday… ”

- William Trogdon

“ Wagner was a monster. He was anti-Semitic on Mondays and vegetarian on Tuesdays. On Wednesday he was in favor of annexing Newfoundland, Thursday he wanted to sink Venice and Friday he wanted to blow up the pope. ”

- Tony Palmer

“ I really liked the storyline and really enjoyed watching the show but as a fan: Thursday night, order take out, friends and ER. I don't have that kind of career where people really tell me what to do. So I did it and I had a lot of fun doing the first one, but then it became just a little bit of a bind even though I enjoyed every everyone I had to play opposite. ”

- Thandie Newton

“ The hotel was once where things coalesced, where you could meet both townspeople and travelers. Not so in a motel. No matter how you build it, the motel remains the haunt of the quick and dirty, where the only locals are Chamber of Commerce boys every fourth Thursday. ”

- William Least Heat Moon
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