Quotes of Teammate - somelinesforyou

“ It was the first time it had ever occurred to me, that this detestable cant of false humility might have originated out of the Heep family. I had seen the harvest, but had never thought of the seed. ”

- Charles Dickens

“ I'm just trying to get in, it's not like I'm running for Jesus. ”

- Homer Simpson

“ There are a lot of empty seats that are about to be filled with corporatists surrounded by corporate hospitality suites funded by $13 million of taxpayers money. That's a pretty sickly witches' brew for a private convention where corporations have poured $100 million into it… ”

- Ralph Nader

“ I had 12 great years in Pittsburgh, and that one doesn't matter. During my time with Seattle, they were great people, great teammates and I liked the town, the town was good to me. It just wasn't for me. ”

- Franco Harris

“ That's just trusting my teammate. Ryan, I didn't know who it is. All I know it was a red jersey, under the basket and wide open. ”

- Yao Ming

“ When she scored her 1000th point, the outpouring of love and respect from the student body, the jayvee kids and her teammates, it was quite a sight. ”

- Thomas Ken

“ Gaylord Perry and Willie McCovey should know each other like a book. They've been ex-teammates for years now. ”

- Jerry Coleman

“ You can tell your uncle stuff that you could not tell your dad. That is kind of the role of an uncle. I feel very much like a father sometimes but sometimes I feel like a teammate. ”

- Dusty Baker

“ I'll do whatever it takes to win games, whether it's sitting on a bench waving a towel, handing a cup of water to a teammate, or hitting the game-winning shot. ”

- Kobe Bryant

“ Leadership is getting players to believe in you. If you tell a teammate you're ready to play as tough as you're able to, you'd better go out there and do it. Players will see right through a phony. And they can tell when you're not giving it all you've got… ”

- Larry Bird

“ Both Dixie and I told Mr. Rickey we wanted to be traded,... After just one road trip, I saw the quality of Jackie the man and the player. From that point on, I was one of many guys fighting to sit next to Jackie whenever I had the opportunity. I told Mr… ”

- Bobby Bragan

“ He goes out and plays hard every day,... Lately, he's been hitting gaps, a lot of triples and doubles. He's definitely fun to watch and a great teammate, always upbeat. He's a catalyst for this team. When he's going good, he's always on base. ”

- Ben Johnson

“ It's been good to be here with Tim. It's always nice to be here the first time with a teammate. He introduced me to everybody. I am just very blessed and lucky he was here so I could experience my first All-Star Game with him. ”

- Tony Parker

“ People have to understand what my game is. It's not all about numbers. There's a bigger picture here. I don't create off the dribble. I rely on my teammates; my role is to set screens and get rebounds. ”

- Rebecca Lobo

“ Mired in a batting slump, Bonds sat in the locker room and complained about his uncharacteristic struggle to get his offense going. I can't put my finger on the problem, said Barry aloud. I'm struggling. Can't buy a hit. Bonds then looked up and noticed a chronically poor-hitting teammate nearby… ”

- Larry Elder
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