Quotes of Tasty - somelinesforyou

“ Could I love less, I should be happier now. ”

- Philip James Bailey

“ Taken in any context, except seriously, life on earth is palatable and positively enjoyable. ”

- Unknown

“ And he went, and fetched, and brought them to his mother: and his mother made savoury meat, such as his father loved. ”

- Bible

“ They came to the Delectable Mountains. ”

- John Bunyan

“ Taken in any context, except seriously, life on earth is palatable and positively enjoyable. ”

- Unknown

“ Come, our stomachs Will make what's homely savory. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Resentment is an attempt to make our own failure palatable by explaining it in terms of unfair treatment, injustice. But, as a salve for failure, resentment is a cure that is worse than the disease. ”

- Maxwell Maltz

“ Good lies need a leavening of truth to make them palatable. ”

- William McIlvanney

“ Let the stoics say what they please, we do not eat for the good of living, but because the meat is savory and the appetite is keen. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ Gradually I came to realize that people will more readily swallow lies than truth, as if the taste of lies was homey, appetizing: a habit. ”

- Martha Gellhorn

“ It's almost seems as though there's a battle going on between the public and all the fast-food establishments, and, believe me, I think it's very tasty food. ”

- Regis Philbin

“ Our job is like a baker's work — his rolls are tasty as long as they're fresh; after two days they're stale, after a week they're covered with mould and fit only to be thrown out. ”

- Ryszard Kapuscinski

“ How delightful are the pleasures of the imagination! In those delectable moments, the whole world is ours; not a single creature resists us, we devastate the world, we repopulate it with new objects which, in turn, we emulate. The means to every crime is ours, and we employ them all, we multiply the horror a hundredfold. ”

- Marquis de Sade

“ The one thing you get to do when you're famous is shine a light on something. But if you want to shine a light on something that isn't so palatable, you should expect to catch... (criticism) for it and take it. ”

- George Clooney

“ A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly… ”

- Lazarus Long

“ Could I love less, I should be happier now. ”

- Philip James Bailey

“ Taken in any context, except seriously, life on earth is palatable and positively enjoyable. ”

- Unknown

“ And he went, and fetched, and brought them to his mother: and his mother made savoury meat, such as his father loved. ”

- Bible

“ They came to the Delectable Mountains. ”

- John Bunyan

“ Taken in any context, except seriously, life on earth is palatable and positively enjoyable. ”

- Unknown

“ Come, our stomachs Will make what's homely savory. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Resentment is an attempt to make our own failure palatable by explaining it in terms of unfair treatment, injustice. But, as a salve for failure, resentment is a cure that is worse than the disease. ”

- Maxwell Maltz

“ Good lies need a leavening of truth to make them palatable. ”

- William McIlvanney

“ Let the stoics say what they please, we do not eat for the good of living, but because the meat is savory and the appetite is keen. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ Gradually I came to realize that people will more readily swallow lies than truth, as if the taste of lies was homey, appetizing: a habit. ”

- Martha Gellhorn

“ It's almost seems as though there's a battle going on between the public and all the fast-food establishments, and, believe me, I think it's very tasty food. ”

- Regis Philbin

“ Our job is like a baker's work — his rolls are tasty as long as they're fresh; after two days they're stale, after a week they're covered with mould and fit only to be thrown out. ”

- Ryszard Kapuscinski

“ How delightful are the pleasures of the imagination! In those delectable moments, the whole world is ours; not a single creature resists us, we devastate the world, we repopulate it with new objects which, in turn, we emulate. The means to every crime is ours, and we employ them all, we multiply the horror a hundredfold. ”

- Marquis de Sade

“ The one thing you get to do when you're famous is shine a light on something. But if you want to shine a light on something that isn't so palatable, you should expect to catch... (criticism) for it and take it. ”

- George Clooney

“ A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly… ”

- Lazarus Long
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