Quotes of Tart - somelinesforyou

“ Women are not allowed to be complicated in our society. We still very much have a Madonna-whore complex. We're comfortable seeing women as great mothers, and then we're comfortable seeing them as hookers, but there's no in-between. ”

- Charlize Theron

“ Promises and pie-crust are made to be broken. ”

- Jonathan Swift

“ What from the Church at Boston? I know no such church, neither will I own it. Call it the whore and strumpet of Boston, no Church of Christ! ”

- Anne Hutchinson

“ Promise and pie-crust are made to be broken. ”

- Jonathan Swift

“ Jane, you ignorant slut. ”

- Dan Aykroyd

“ We must have a pie. Stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie.. ”

- David Mamet

“ God always has another custard pie up his sleeve. ”

- Lynn Redgrave

“ Every government is a parliament of whores. The trouble is, in a democracy, the whores are us. ”

- Gandhi

“ Do you really have to be the ice queen intellectual or the slut whore? Isn't there some way to be both? ”

- Susan Sarandon

“ A tart temper never mellows with age; and a sharp tongue is the only edged tool that grows keener with constant use. ”

- Washington Irving

“ And they bought an Owl, and a useful Cart, And a pound of Rice, and a Cranberry Tart. ”

- Edward Lear

“ My Turn is the distilled bathwater of Mrs. Reagan's life. It is for the most part sweetish, with a tart edge of rebuke, but disappointingly free of dirt or particulate matter of any kind. ”

- Barbara Ehrenreich

“ Beaverbrook is so pleased to be in the government that he is like the town tart who finally married the mayor. ”

- Beverley Baxter

“ A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart, who looks at her watch. ”

- James Beard

“ The friendly cow all red and white, I love with all my heart: She gives me cream with all her might; to eat with apple tart. ”

- Robert Louis Stevenson

“ I think if you look at the M.O. of this team all year, we have had trouble making stops. We have turned the ball over, we lead the league in turnovers, points of turnovers, and assist-to-turnovers. I keep telling them if you want to play playoff basketball, you've got to take care of the ball and execute… ”

- Larry Brown

“ I think if you look at Andre then and now, you look at two different models. Of course it's personal preference, I think Andre now is a great role model for the kids. He has started training differently than he was before, and so on and so on. ”

- Ivan Lendl

“ I once made the mistake of telling someone that I always wanted to be a barrister - and I got a pitying look, flollowed by an article along lines 'the poor little tart thinks she could get a proper job, but look at the way she photographs'. ”

- Rachel Weisz

“ Don't think of Diana Vreeland's memoir as a book; it's more like a lunch. A bit of souffle, a glass of champagne, some green grapes - light, bubbly and slightly tart - all served up by an egocentric but inventive hostess. ”

- Cathleen McGuigan

“ Acting is the best job in the world… Look at the way they treat you when you turn up for work. They give you breakfast and a cup of tea and ask, 'Are you all right?' They tart up your face, you say somebody else's words, then pick up your check and go home… ”

- Bob Hoskins
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