Quotes of Bob Hoskins - somelinesforyou

“ When you get to my age, what you want is the cameo. You get paid a lot of money. You fly in for a couple of weeks. Everybody treats you like the crown jewels. It's all great and if the film turns out to be a load of s - -, nobody blames you. ”

- Bob Hoskins

“ When you get to my age, what you want is the cameo. You get paid a lot of money. You fly in for a couple of weeks. Everybody treats you like the crown jewels. It's all great and if the film turns out to be a load of s - -, nobody blames you. ”

- Bob Hoskins

“ Acting is the best job in the world… Look at the way they treat you when you turn up for work. They give you breakfast and a cup of tea and ask, 'Are you all right?' They tart up your face, you say somebody else's words, then pick up your check and go home… ”

- Bob Hoskins

“ When you get to my age, what you want is the cameo. You get paid a lot of money. You fly in for a couple of weeks. Everybody treats you like the crown jewels. It's all great and if the film turns out to be a load of s - -, nobody blames you. ”

- Bob Hoskins

“ When you get to my age, what you want is the cameo. You get paid a lot of money. You fly in for a couple of weeks. Everybody treats you like the crown jewels. It's all great and if the film turns out to be a load of s - -, nobody blames you. ”

- Bob Hoskins

“ I've watched films and even forgotten I'm in them. ”

- Bob Hoskins

“ Acting is the best job in the world… Look at the way they treat you when you turn up for work. They give you breakfast and a cup of tea and ask, 'Are you all right?' They tart up your face, you say somebody else's words, then pick up your check and go home… ”

- Bob Hoskins
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