Quotes of Taint - somelinesforyou

“ The dose makes the poison. ”

- Paracelsus

“ Let my honor be without stain. ”

- Motto

“ His money is twice tainted: taint yours and taint mine.". ”

- Mark Twain

“ Should envious tongues some malice frame; to soil and tarnish your good name; Live it Down! ”

- Henry Rink

“ Poets lose half the praise they should have got, Could it be known what they discreetly blot. ”

- Edmund Waller

“ But my dear man, reality is only a Rorschach ink-blot, you know. ”

- Alan Watts

“ And truly, I'll devise some honest slanders To stain my cousin with. One doth not know How much an ill word may empoison liking. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ In some way the secret vice exhales its poison; and the evil passion, however cunningly masked, stains through to the surface. ”

- E. H. Chapin

“ A blot in thy escutcheon to all futurity. ”

- Miguel de Cervantes

“ The poison of skepticism becomes, like alcoholism, tuberculosis, and some other diseases, much more virulent in a hitherto virgin soil. ”

- Simone Weil

“ 'Taint't worthwhile to wear a day all out before it comes. ”

- Sarah Orne Jewett

“ Evil is like water, it abounds, is cheap, soon fouls, but runs itself clear of taint. ”

- Samuel Butler

“ I hate ingratitude more in a man than lying, vainness, babbling, drunkenness, or any taint of vice whose strong corruption inhabits our frail blood. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Time is what keeps the light from reaching us. There is no greater obstacle to God than time: and not only time but temporalities, not only temporal things but temporal affections, not only temporal affections but the very taint and smell of time. ”

- Meister Eckhart

“ The puritanical potentialities of science have never been forecast. If it evolves a body of organized rites, and is established as a religion, hierarchically organized, things more than anything else will be done in the name of "decency." The coarse fumes of tobacco and liquors, the consequent tainting of the breath and staining of white fingers and teeth, which is so offensive to many women, will be the first things attended to. ”

- Wyndham Lewis
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