Quotes of Sweater - somelinesforyou

“ Ballplayers are a superstitious breed, nobody more than I, and while you are winning you'd murder anybody who tried to change your sweatshirt, let alone your uniform. ”

- Leo Durocher

“ I saw a woman wearing a sweatshirt with Guess on it. I said, Thyroid problem? ”

- Arnold Schwarzenegger

“ If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater, suggest that he wear a tail. ”

- Fran Lebowitz

“ Having a holiday weekend without a family member felt like putting on a sweater that had an extra arm. ”

- Pamela Ribon

“ When the bold branches Bid farewell to rainbow leaves - Welcome wool sweaters. ”

- B. Cybrill

“ She wore a short skirt and a tight sweater and her figure described a set of parabolas that could cause cardiac arrest in a yak. ”

- Woody Allen

“ I should have played him in New Jersey. I regret that. He could have helped on (Vince) Carter. ”

- Pat Riley

“ I want them to believe I have a vision for the state of New Jersey. ”

- Jon Corzine

“ The name on the front of the jersey is what really matters, not the name on the back. ”

- Joe Paterno

“ Its the name on the front of the jersey that matters most, not the one on the back. ”

- Joe Paterno
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