Quotes of Surfeit - somelinesforyou

“ There was a pall over this organization. ”

- Tom Clark

“ Everything being a constant carnival, there is no carnival left ”

- Victor Hugo

“ God is day and night, winter and summer, war and peace, surfeit and hunger. ”

- Heraclitus

“ How charming is divine philosophy! Not harsh and crabbed, as dull fools suppose, but musical as is Apollo's lute, and a perpetual feast of nectared sweets, where no crude surfeit reigns. ”

- John Milton

“ They are as sick that surfeit with too much, as they that starve with nothing. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Nothing in excess. ”

- Unknown

“ Nothing in excess. ”

- Unknown

“ Everything in excess is opposed to nature. Doing nothing is sometimes a good remedy. ”

- Hippocrates

“ The three-martini lunch is the epitome of American efficiency. Where else can you get an earful, a bellyful and a snootful at the same time? ”

- Gerald R. Ford

“ A bellyful is a bellyful. ”

- Francois Rabelais
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