Quotes of Subway - somelinesforyou

“ People who want to understand democracy should spend less time in the library with Aristotle and more time on the buses and in the subway. ”

- Simeon Strunsky

“ The words of the prophets are written/On the subway walls. ”

- Simon and Garfunkel

“ New York is a city of conversations overheard, of people at the next restaurant table checking your watch, of people reading the stories in your newspaper on the subway train. ”

- William E. Geist

“ The most difficult part of the trip was the logistics - planes, trains, a rental car, taxis, buses, subways, lots of walking, we did it all. ”

- Lamar Hunt

“ I didn't get a toy train like the other kids. I got a toy subway instead. You couldn't see anything, but every now and then you'd hear this rumbling noise go by. ”

- Steven Wright

“ Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vacuum tubes and weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000 vaccuum tubes and perhaps weigh 1.5 tons. ”

- Unknown

“ Of course, it is very important to be sober when you take an exam. Many worthwhile careers in the street- cleansing, fruit-picking and subway-guitar-playing industries have been founded on a lack of understanding of this simple fact. ”

- Terry Pratchett

“ A society that presumes a norm of violence and celebrates aggression, whether in the subway, on the football field, or in the conduct of its business, cannot help making celebrities of the people who would destroy it. ”

- Lewis H. Lapham

“ Automobiles are free of egotism, passion, prejudice and stupid ideas about where to have dinner. They are, literally, selfless. A world designed for automobiles instead of people would have wider streets, larger dining rooms, fewer stairs to climb and no smelly, dangerous subway stations. ”

- Gandhi

“ In New York — whose subway trains in particular have been "tattooed" with an energy to put our own rude practitioners to shame — not an inch of free space is spared except that of advertisements . Even the most chronically dispossessed appear prepared to endorse the legitimacy of the "haves… ”

- Gilbert Adair
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