Quotes of Struck - somelinesforyou

“ So, in the Libyan fable it is told That once an eagle, stricken with a dart, Said, when he saw the fashion of the shaft, "With our own feathers, not by others' hand Are we now smitten. ”

- Aeschylus

“ It struck me while I was sitting here; everything changes but the sea. ”

- William B. Davis

“ Let the tent be struck. ”

- Robert E. Lee

“ Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps; for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference between what things are and what they might have been. ”

- William Hazlitt

“ These are days when no one should rely unduly on his "competence." Strength lies in improvisation. All the decisive blows are struck left-handed. ”

- Walter Benjamin

“ We are all instruments endowed with feeling and memory. Our senses are so many strings that are struck by surrounding objects and that also frequently strike themselves. ”

- Denis Diderot

“ We are merely the stars' tennis balls, struck and bandied which way pleases them. ”

- John Webster

“ When you see a rattlesnake poised to strike you, do not wait until he has struck before you crush him. ”

- Franklin D. Roosevelt

“ I have struck a city - a real city - and they call it Chicago… I urgently desire never to see it again. It is inhabited by savages. ”

- Rudyard Kipling

“ A young ballplayer looks on his first spring training trip as a stage struck young woman regards the theater. ”

- Christy Mathewson

“ I've never struck a woman in my life, not even my own mother. ”

- W. C. Fields

“ The world is all gates, all opportunities, strings of tension waiting to be struck. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ Don't let failure get you down. Babe Ruth struck out over 1,300 times. ”

- Lou Holtz

“ Name me and emperor who was ever struck by a cannonball. ”

- Charles V

“ Name me an emperor who was ever struck by a cannonball. ”

- Charles V

“ It struck him really that he had never so lived with her as during this period of her silence; the silence was a sacred hush, a finer clearer medium, in which her idiosyncrasies showed. ”

- Henry James

“ The world knows of Rosa Parks because of a single, simple act of dignity and courage that struck a lethal blow to the foundations of legal bigotry. ”

- Bill Clinton

“ If you pray for rain, don't be surprised if you're struck by lightning. ”

- Damien Cannon

“ It isn't for the moment you are struck that you need courage, but for the long uphill climb back to sanity and faith and security. ”

- Anne Morrow Lindbergh

“ Do not be awe struck by other people and try to copy them. Nobody can be you as efficiently as you can. ”

- Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

“ False opinions are like false money, struck first of all by guilty men and thereafter circulated by honest people who perpetuate the crime without knowing what they are doing. ”

- Joseph De Maistre

“ Has it ever struck you that the vast majority of the will of God for your life has already been revealed in the Bible? That is a crucial thing to grasp. ”

- Paul Little

“ How can they beat me? I've been struck by lightning, had two back operations, and been divorced twice. ”

- Lee Trevino

“ In America all too few blows are struck into flesh. We kill the spirit here, we are experts at that. We use psychic bullets and kill each other cell by cell. ”

- Norman Mailer

“ It struck me that the movies had spent more than half a century saying, "They lived happily ever after" and the following quarter-century warning that they'll be lucky to make it through the weekend. Possibly now we are entering a third era in which the movies will be sounding a note of cautious optimism: You know it just might work. ”

- Nora Ephron

“ We regard the photograph, the picture on our wall, as the object itself depicted there. This need not have been so. We could easily imagine people who did not have this relation to such pictures. Who, for example, would be repelled by photographs, because a face without color and even perhaps a face in reduced proportions struck them as inhuman. ”

- Ludwig Wittgenstein

“ When something does not insist on being noticed, when we aren't grabbed by the collar or struck on the skull by a presence or an event, we take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. ”

- Cynthia Ozick

“ It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small. ”

- Neil Armstrong

“ The DeLay story struck a nerve with people all across the United States because Tom DeLay put a face to what Walt Whitman called the never-ending audacity of elected persons. Suddenly, they could see corruption up close. ”

- Chris Bell

“ The clock struck half past two. In the little office at the back of Mr. McKechnie's bookshop, Gordon - Gordon Comstock, last member of the Comstock family, aged twenty-nine and rather moth-eaten already - lounged across the table, pushing a fourpenny packet of Player's Weights open and shut with his thumb. ”

- Eric Blair
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