Quotes of Storage - somelinesforyou

“ You never know when you're making a memory. ”

- Rickie Lee Jones

“ I've got a lot of courage, but I've also got a lot of fear. You should allow yourself to be scared. It's one of the prime emotions. You might almost enjoy it, funny as it sounds, and find that you can get over it and deal with it. If you ignore these things, you miss so much. ”

- Bjork Gudmundsdottir

“ Music is the way our memories sing to us across time. ”

- Lance Morrow

“ Our dreams must be stronger than our memories. We must be pulled by our dreams, rater than pushed by our memories. ”

- Jesse Jackson

“ Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future. ”

- Corrie ten Boom

“ I have more memories than if I were a thousand years old. ”

- Charles Baudelaire

“ Recalling days of sadness, memories haunt me. Recalling days of happiness, I haunt my memories. ”

- Robert Brault

“ Memories are all we really own. ”

- Elias Lieberman

“ That translucent alabaster of our memories. ”

- Marcel Proust

“ The short memories of American voters is what keeps our politicians in office. ”

- Will Rogers

“ A land without ruins is a land without memories — a land without memories is a land without history. ”

- Abram Joseph Ryan

“ I did know once, only I've sort of forgotten. ”

- A. A. Milne

“ If you want to keep your memories, you first have to live them. ”

- Bob Dylan

“ They can do without architecture who have no olives nor wines in the cellar. ”

- Henry David Thoreau

“ It is commonly seen by experience that excellent memories do often accompany weak judgements. ”

- Michel de Montaigne

“ Scots, wha hae wi' Wallace bled, Scots, wham Bruce has aften led, Welcome to your gory bed Or to victorie. ”

- Robert Burns

“ The Irish seem to have more fire about them than the Scots. ”

- Sean Connery

“ Leftovers in their less visible form are called memories. Stored in the refrigerator of the mind and the cupboard of the heart. ”

- Robert Fulghum

“ A library is thought in cold storage. ”

- Herbert Samuel

“ Information storage has to take place at the unconscious level. ”

- Paul G. Thomas

“ To be honest, I think for part of my late teens my character didn't really develop very much. I was in a state of cold storage. ”

- Damon Hill

“ Some memories are realities, and are better than anything that can ever happen to one again. ”

- Willa Cather

“ Creditors have better memories than debtors. ”

- Benjamin Franklin

“ We must always have old memories and young hopes. ”

- Arsene Houssaye

“ Leftovers in their less visible form are called memories. Stored in the refrigerator of the mind and the cupboard of the heart. ”

- Thomas Fuller

“ The true art of memory is the art of attention. ”

- Samuel Johnson

“ Everybody needs his memories. They keep the wolf of insignificance from the door. ”

- Saul Bellow

“ Our memories are the only paradise from which we can never be expelled. ”

- Jean Paul Richter

“ So live that your memories will be part of your happiness. ”

- Unknown

“ So live that your memories will be part of your happiness. ”

- Unknown
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