Quotes of Stalk - somelinesforyou

“ Envy will merit, as its shade, pursue, But, like the shadow, proves the substance true. ”

- Alexander Pope

“ Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see. ”

- Martin Luther King Jr.

“ With little wit and ease to suit them, They whirl in narrow circling trails, Like kittens playing with their tails. ”

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“ Crime and punishment grow out of one stem. Punishment is a fruit that, unsuspected, ripens with the flower of the pleasure that concealed it. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ Yet half the beast is the great god Pan, To laugh, as he sits by the river, Making a poet out of a man. The true gods sigh for the cost and the pain — For the reed that grows never more again As a reed with the reeds of the river. ”

- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

“ He who leaves his house in search of happiness pursues a shadow. ”

- Unknown

“ We issued gorged with knowledge, and I spoke: "Why, Sirs, they do all this as well as we." "They hunt old trails" said Cyril, "very well; But when did woman ever yet invent? ”

- Lord Alfred Tennyson

“ And the shadows of tree-trunks and shadows of leaves Interlace with low voices and footsteps and sunlight To divide us forever. ”

- Conrad Aiken

“ Any religion is a shadow of God. But the shadows of God are not God. ”

- Margaret Atwood

“ What shadows we are, what shadows we pursue! ”

- Edmund Burke

“ Tis the sunset of life gives me mystical lore, And coming events cast their shadows before. ”

- Thomas Campbell

“ Shadows are in reality, when the sun is shining, the most conspicuous thing in a landscape, next to the highest lights. ”

- John Ruskin

“ Like our shadows, our wishes lengthen as our sun declines. ”

- Edward Young

“ The mind is like a richly woven tapestry in which the colors are distilled from the experiences of the senses, and the design drawn from the convolutions of the intellect. ”

- Carson McCullers

“ Thou trustest in the staff of this broken reed. ”

- Bible

“ Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see. ”

- Martin Luther King Jr.

“ Shadows sometimes people don't see shadows. The Chinese of course never paint them in pictures, oriental art never deals with shadow. But I noticed these shadows and I knew it meant it was sunny. ”

- David Hockney

“ To think of shadows is a serious thing. ”

- Victor Hugo

“ It's not a trunk song by any stretch of the imagination. ”

- Martin Charnin

“ A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench. ”

- Bible

“ Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil. ”

- Plato

“ There is a melancholy that stems from greatness. ”

- Chamfort

“ First the stalk — then the roots. First the need — then the means to satisfy that need. First the nucleus — then the elements needed for its growth. ”

- Robert Collier

“ He uses his folly like a stalking-horse, and under the presentation of that he shoots his wit. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ I stalk about her door like a strange soul upon the Stygian banks staying for wattage. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Perseverance is not the only ingredient to winning. You can stalk a field forever and not get any game if the field does not contain any. ”

- Confucius

“ Perseverance alone does not assure success. No amount of stalking will lead to game in a field that has none. ”

- I Ching

“ The hardest thing to believe about The Fan is not that Robert De Niro is stalking somebody again but that anyone cares that much about a baseball player. ”

- Bernie Lincicome

“ An epigram is but a feeble thing - With straw in tail, stuck there by way of sting. ”

- William Cowper

“ There is a melancholy that stems from greatness. ”

- Nicolas Chamfort
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