Quotes of Bernie Lincicome - somelinesforyou

“ The hardest thing to believe about The Fan is not that Robert De Niro is stalking somebody again but that anyone cares that much about a baseball player. ”

- Bernie Lincicome

“ The hardest thing to believe about The Fan is not that Robert De Niro is stalking somebody again but that anyone cares that much about a baseball player. ”

- Bernie Lincicome

“ Now, 0 for 50 would be a historic achievement on any other team, but on the Cubs it is usually called September. ”

- Bernie Lincicome

“ The hardest thing to believe about The Fan is not that Robert De Niro is stalking somebody again but that anyone cares that much about a baseball player. ”

- Bernie Lincicome

“ The hardest thing to believe about The Fan is not that Robert De Niro is stalking somebody again but that anyone cares that much about a baseball player. ”

- Bernie Lincicome

“ Now, 0 for 50 would be a historic achievement on any other team, but on the Cubs it is usually called September. ”

- Bernie Lincicome

“ The hardest thing to believe about The Fan is not that Robert De Niro is stalking somebody again but that anyone cares that much about a baseball player. ”

- Bernie Lincicome

“ Now, 0 for 50 would be a historic achievement on any other team, but on the Cubs it is usually called September. ”

- Bernie Lincicome
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