Quotes of Spider - somelinesforyou

“ 'Will you walk into my parlour?' said a spider to a fly. ”

- Mary Howitt

“ The spider's touch, how exquisitely fine! Feels at each thread, and lives along the line. ”

- Alexander Pope

“ We are closer to the ants than to the butterflies. Very few people can endure much leisure. ”

- Gerald Brenan

“ Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes? ”

- Unknown

“ Cockroaches really put my "all creatures great and small" creed to the test. ”

- Terri Guillemets

“ Some primal termite knocked on wood; and tasted it, and found it good. That is why your Cousin May fell through the parlor floor today. ”

- Ogden Nash

“ The mosquito is the state bird of New Jersey. ”

- Andy Warhol

“ Teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar is as valuable to the child as it is to the caterpillar. ”

- Bradley Millar

“ God in His wisdom made the fly And then forgot to tell us why. ”

- Ogden Nash

“ Though snails are exceedingly slow, There is one thing I'd like to know. If I out run 'em round the yard, How come they beat me to the chard? ”

- Allen Klein

“ If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito. ”

- Betty Reese

“ Large flocks of butterflies, all kinds of happy insects, seem to be in a perfect fever of joy and sportive gladness. ”

- John Muir

“ Deep in the sun-searched growths the dragonfly Hangs like a blue thread loosened from the sky. ”

- Dante Gabriel Rossetti

“ He looked about as inconspicuous as a tarantula on a slice of angel food. ”

- Raymond Chandler

“ House, n. A hollow edifice erected for the habitation of man, rat, mouse, beetle, cockroach, fly, mosquito, flea, bacillus, and microbe. ”

- Ambrose Bierce

“ Don't mistake vivacity for wit, thare iz about az much difference az thare iz between lightning and a lightning bug. ”

- Josh Billings

“ Fireflies are light angels of the dark. ”

- Terri Guillemets

“ I wish I were a glow worm, A glow worm's never glum. 'Cuz how can you be grumpy When the sun shines out your bum? ”

- Unknown

“ I hate mosquitoes. I mean, I know I'm delicious but dang! ”

- Unknown

“ Much like a subtle spider, which doth sit In middle of her web, which spreadeth wide: If aught do touch the utmost thread of it, She feels it instantly on every side. ”

- Sir John Davies

“ He looked as inconspicuous as a tarantula on a slice of angel food. ”

- Raymond Chandler

“ A wisp of gossamer, about the size and substance of a spider's web. ”

- Monica Baldwin

“ A pretty little collection of weaknesses and a terror of spiders are our indispensable stock-in-trade with the men. ”

- Sidonie Gabrielle Colette

“ Half-starved spiders prey'd on half-starved flies. ”

- Charles Churchill

“ It appears to me that almost any man may, like the spider, spin from his own inwards his own airy citadel. ”

- John Keats

“ It is assumed that the woman must wait, motionless, until she is wooed. That is how the spider waits for the fly. ”

- George Bernard Shaw

“ The bird, a nest; the spider, a web; man, friendship. ”

- Sir William Blake

“ The difference between utility and utility plus beauty is the difference between telephone wires and the spider web. ”

- Edwin Way Teale

“ Written laws are like spider's webs; they will catch, it is true, the weak and the poor, but would be torn in pieces by the rich and powerful. ”

- Anacharsis

“ The bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship. ”

- Sir William Blake
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