Quotes of Sentimentality - somelinesforyou

“ Sentimentality is a superstructure covering brutality. ”

- C. J. Jung

“ Sentimentalism is the working off on yourself of feelings you haven't really got. ”

- D.H. Lawrence

“ Sentimentality is unearned emotion. ”

- William Somerset Maugham

“ Following the Jewish tradition, a dispenser of schmaltz is kept on the table to give the vampires heartburn if they get through the garlic defense. ”

- Calvin Trillin

“ Things ain't what they used to be and never were. ”

- Will Rogers

“ A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words. ”

- Robert Frost

“ Knowledge like timber shouldn't be much use till they are seasoned. ”

- Oliver Wendell Holmes

“ I don't like nostalgia — unless it's mine. ”

- Lou Reed

“ Sentiment is intellectualized emotion; emotion precipitated, as it were, in pretty crystals by the fancy. ”

- James Russell Lowell

“ Instead of a clear call for repentance we have been offered warms words of sentimentality for those who have shown no godly sorrow for their actions. ”

- Peter Akinola

“ Sentimentality is the only sentiment that rubs you the wrong way. ”

- W. Somerset Maugham

“ Sentimentality comes easy. But caring is hard; it involves doing. ”

- Unknown

“ Sentimentality — that's what we call the sentiment we don't share. ”

- Graham Greene

“ In deep sadness there is no place for sentimentality. ”

- William S. Burroughs

“ Sentimentality is the emotional promiscuity of those who have no sentiment. ”

- Norman Mailer
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