Quotes of Securing - somelinesforyou

“ We have almost succeeded in leveling all human activities to the common denominator of securing the necessities of life and providing for their abundance. ”

- Hannah Arendt

“ What do we call love, hate, charity, revenge, humanity, forgiveness? Different results of the master impulse, the necessity of securing one's self-approval. ”

- Mark Twain

“ I have four children, and they are my four greatest reasons to make sure we meet our goal of securing a strong future for Louisiana. ”

- David Vitter

“ Grandfathers are for loving and fixing things. ”

- Unknown

“ Don't look back, they might be gaining on you. ”

- Unknown

“ Don't look back: Something may be gaining on you. ”

- Satchel Paige

“ Let this be understood, then, at starting; that the patient conquest of difficulties which rise in the regular and legitimate channels of business and enterprise is not only essential in securing the success which you seek but it is essential to that preparation of your mind, requisite for the enjoyment of your successes, and for retaining them when gained… ”

- Josiah Gilbert Holland

“ In the weakness of one kind of authority, and in the fluctuation of all, the officers of an army will remain for some time mutinous and full of faction, until some popular general, who understands the art of conciliating the soldiery, and who possesses the true spirit of command, shall draw the eyes of all men upon himself… ”

- Edmund Burke

“ Men are to be guided only by their self-interests. Good government is a good balancing of these; and, except a keen eye and appetite for self-interest, requires no virtue in any quarter. To both parties it is emphatically a machine: to the discontented, a "taxing-machine;" to the contented, a "machine for securing property… ”

- Thomas Carlyle

“ Some punishment seems preparing for a people who are ungratefully abusing the best constitution and the best King any nation was ever blessed with, intent on nothing but luxury, licentiousness, power, places, pensions, and plunder; while the ministry, divided in their counsels, with little regard for each other, worried by perpetual oppositions, in continual apprehension of changes, intent on securing popularity in case they should lose favor, have for some years past had little time or inclination to attend to our small affairs, whose remoteness makes them appear even smaller. ”

- Benjamin Franklin
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