Quotes of Schoenberg - somelinesforyou

“ I've got a feeling now that I was an arrogant child. When I was young I felt like I didn't need any training. But I don't feel apologetic about it like a Schoenberg and yet I'm not proud of it. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ Cowell gave me an enormous amount of 'how to' knowledge, including how to write a serial piece before I went to Schoenberg. Also an immense stimulation about world music. He was an absolutely fascinating man, because of his knowledge not only of world music but also of how to do different things. ”

- Lou Harrison

“ His partitioning of the octave in the first ten bars places Varese with Scriabin and the Schoenberg circle among the revolutionary composers whose work initiates the beginning of a new mainstream tradition in the music of our century. ”

- George Perle
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