Quotes of Jerry Hunt - somelinesforyou

“ I don't think I could have ever had a career as a pianist because I never ever wanted to play the notes the way they were written, I was too sloppy to learn them quite right. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ I don't think I could have ever had a career as a pianist because I never ever wanted to play the notes the way they were written, I was too sloppy to learn them quite right. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ I've got a feeling now that I was an arrogant child. When I was young I felt like I didn't need any training. But I don't feel apologetic about it like a Schoenberg and yet I'm not proud of it. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ My mother says I was vaccinated with a phonograph needle. I love to talk. I just love to talk. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ There's really no reason to listen to music at all, particularly in the world that we have now. The real reason for music is as a way for exchanging money. That's its real source. it has nothing to do with sound or technology or new resources or anything else that I honestly can see. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ I don't think I could have ever had a career as a pianist because I never ever wanted to play the notes the way they were written, I was too sloppy to learn them quite right. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ I don't think I could have ever had a career as a pianist because I never ever wanted to play the notes the way they were written, I was too sloppy to learn them quite right. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ My mother says I was vaccinated with a phonograph needle. I love to talk. I just love to talk. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ There's really no reason to listen to music at all, particularly in the world that we have now. The real reason for music is as a way for exchanging money. That's its real source. it has nothing to do with sound or technology or new resources or anything else that I honestly can see. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ My mother says I was vaccinated with a phonograph needle. I love to talk. I just love to talk. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ I've got a feeling now that I was an arrogant child. When I was young I felt like I didn't need any training. But I don't feel apologetic about it like a Schoenberg and yet I'm not proud of it. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ I don't think I could have ever had a career as a pianist because I never ever wanted to play the notes the way they were written, I was too sloppy to learn them quite right. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ My mother says I was vaccinated with a phonograph needle. I love to talk. I just love to talk. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ There's really no reason to listen to music at all, particularly in the world that we have now. The real reason for music is as a way for exchanging money. That's its real source. it has nothing to do with sound or technology or new resources or anything else that I honestly can see. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ In 1955 music wasn't that important. Music was a kind of a special thing you went and did. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ I don't think I could have ever had a career as a pianist because I never ever wanted to play the notes the way they were written, I was too sloppy to learn them quite right. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ I've got a feeling now that I was an arrogant child. When I was young I felt like I didn't need any training. But I don't feel apologetic about it like a Schoenberg and yet I'm not proud of it. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ I've got a feeling now that I was an arrogant child. When I was young I felt like I didn't need any training. But I don't feel apologetic about it like a Schoenberg and yet I'm not proud of it. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ I've got a feeling now that I was an arrogant child. When I was young I felt like I didn't need any training. But I don't feel apologetic about it like a Schoenberg and yet I'm not proud of it. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ My mother says I was vaccinated with a phonograph needle. I love to talk. I just love to talk. ”

- Jerry Hunt

“ I don't think I could have ever had a career as a pianist because I never ever wanted to play the notes the way they were written, I was too sloppy to learn them quite right. ”

- Jerry Hunt
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