Quotes of Scheming - somelinesforyou

“ Always be planning something. ”

- John A. Schindler

“ We always plan too much and always think too little. ”

- Joseph A. Schumpeter

“ Women are natural guerrillas. Scheming, we nestle into the enemy's bed, avoiding open warfare, watching the options, playing the odds. ”

- Sally Kempton

“ Slight not what's near through aiming at what's far. ”

- Euripides

“ I don't know what he's been engineering. ”

- Charles Williams

“ The planning is going to go forward outside of NATO if necessary. ”

- Donald Rumsfeld

“ I'm just trying to get in, it's not like I'm running for Jesus. ”

- Homer Simpson

“ I'm planning on it. ”

- Angelina Jolie

“ Well, I'm not planning to, no. ”

- Andrew Denton

“ Soon another test would come. He must be ready for it. So he sat, but it was not mindless meditation but mindful scheming that filled him. In a contest like this, there could be no second-place winner. To be second was to be last and to be last here was to be dead. ”

- Steve Perry
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