Quotes of Satiate - somelinesforyou

“ Variety alone gives joy; The sweetest meats the soonest cloy. ”

- Matthew

“ There was a pall over this organization. ”

- Tom Clark

“ Success soon palls. The joyous time is, when the breeze first strikes your sails, and the waters rustle under your bows. ”

- Charles Buxton

“ Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety. Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ The mind never need stop growing. Indeed, one of the few experiences which never pall is the experience of watching one's own mind and how it produces new interests, responds to new stimuli, and develops new thoughts, apparently without effort and almost independently of one's own conscious control. ”

- Gilbert Highet

“ Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite By bare imagination of a feast? ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Sometime let gorgeous Tragedy / In sceptred pall come sweeping by, / Presenting Thebes, or Pelops' line, / Or the tale of Troy divine. ”

- John Milton

“ Then I became a mother and it just fills every space, that isn't filled with something else important. It's just like this incredible balloon that blows up and fills life up. ”

- Thandie Newton

“ Poverty palls the most generous spirits; it cows industry, and casts resolution itself into despair. ”

- Joseph Addison

“ The only exercise I take is acting as pall-bearer to my friends who have indulged in strenuous exercise! ”

- Unknown

“ Beauty soon grows familiar to the lover, fades in his eye, and palls upon the sense. ”

- Joseph Addison

“ Sweet words are like honey, a little may refresh, but too much gluts the stomach. ”

- Anne Bradstreet

“ That which today calls itself science gives us more and more information, and indigestible glut of information, and less and less understanding. ”

- Edward Abbey

“ Mental pleasure are never cloy; unlike those of the body, they are increased by repetition, approved by reflection, and strengthened by enjoyment. ”

- Nathaniel Cotton

“ The most delightful pleasures cloy without variety. ”

- Publilius Syrus

“ Some plague the people with too long sermons; for the faculty of listening is a tender thing, and soon becomes weary and satiated. ”

- Martin Luther

“ From each one of them rose separate columns of smoke, meeting in a pall overhead, and through the smoke came stabbing flashes of fire as German shells burst with thudding shocks of sound. This was the front line of battle. ”

- Philip Gibbs

“ Between tears and smiles, the year, like the child, struggles into the warmth of life. The old year — say what the chronologists will — lingers upon the very lap of spring, and is only fairly gone when the blossoms of April have strown their pall of glory upon his tomb, and the bluebirds have chanted his requiem. ”

- Donald G. Mitchell

“ Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. ”

- C. S. Lewis

“ The will to domination is a ravenous beast. There are never enough warm bodies to satiate its monstrous hunger. Once alive, this beast grows and grows, feeding on all the life around it, scouring the earth to find new sources of nourishment. This beast lives in each man who battens on female servitude. ”

- Andrea Dworkin
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