Quotes of Removing - somelinesforyou

“ If debugging is the art of removing bugs, then programming must be the art of inserting them. ”

- Unknown

“ The largest barrier to success is removing the mattress from one's back in the morning. ”

- Unknown

“ I think it's really terrifying that a country based on the foundations and ideals of God, is now systematically removing God from everything. Everything! ”

- Stephen Baldwin

“ The president said that this is not removing a mole. You know, removing a mole, that's an outpatient sort of an operation. This was removing a cancer, removing a cancer takes more time. ”

- Gordon England

“ It was the removing of a regime that was hostile, that clearly had the intention of constructing weapons systems. ”

- Stephen Harper

“ Removing books from the library is a no-no. ”

- Diane Ravitch

“ Impeachment is not a remedy for private wrongs; it's a method of removing someone whose continued presence in office would cause grave danger to the nation. ”

- Charles Ruff

“ The man whose whole life is spent in performing a few simple operations, of which the effects are perhaps always the same, or very nearly the same, has no occasion to exert his understanding or to exercise his invention in finding out expedients for removing difficulties which never occur… ”

- Adam Smith

“ The far right seeks to retain the material progress of American capitalism while removing some of its crucial causes and consequences — as though a bridge could be made to change part of its function by blowing up part of its supports and part of its exit. ”

- Ronald Segal

“ Phrases and their actual meanings: My teacher has never liked me. Expect a phone call before lunch from the teacher informing you that your child has been launching hot dogs by compressing them inside a small Thermos and then removing the lid quickly. ”

- Erma Bombeck
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