Quotes of Regularly - somelinesforyou

“ What we do know about that pervasive wiretapping virtually compels the conclusion that the president of the United States of America has been breaking the law repeatedly and consistently. ”

- Al Gore

“ Our will makes constantly a sort of agreement with the world, whereby, if the world will continually show some respect to the will, the will shall consent to be strenuous in its industry. ”

- Josiah Royce

“ It was one of those goals that's invariably a goal. ”

- Denis Law

“ I have been a soreheaded occupant of a file drawer labeled "Science Fiction" and I would like out, particularly since so many serious critics regularly mistake the drawer for a urinal. ”

- Kurt Vonnegut

“ I should prefer to have a politician who regularly went to a massage parlour than one who promised a laptop computer for every teacher. ”

- A. N. Wilson

“ I am a journalist in the field of etiquette. I try to find out what the most genteel people regularly do, what traditions they have discarded, what compromises they have made. ”

- Amy Vanderbilt

“ I just want to keep creating stuff, work regularly and learn how to use a computer properly. ”

- Paul Putner

“ Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason. ”

- Unknown

“ It is a poor cause which has to be lied for regularly. ”

- Katherine Fullerton Gerould

“ I would rather beat the Yankees regularly than pitch a no hit game. ”

- Bob Feller

“ Members of groups that do not meet regularly together usually do not feel a strong sense of belonging and do not take ownership for the success of the group. ”

- Unknown

“ Although he's regularly asked to do so, God does not take sides in American politics. ”

- George J. Mitchell

“ The duke had a mind that ticked like a clock and, like a clock, it regularly went cuckoo. ”

- Terry Pratchett

“ There's a bunch of different people that I utilize when we record at home. There's a girl that I'll play with more regularly than anybody else, I suppose. Whenever I go home, she and I try to go and do some little gigs around the place, just the two of us… ”

- Guy Pearce

“ If we consider that all we deal with represents constantly changing sub-microscopic, interrelated processes which are not, and cannot be identical with themselves, the old dictum that everything is identical with itself becomes in a principle invariably false to facts. ”

- Alfred Korzybski

“ The process of succeeding can be seen as a series of trials in which your vision constantly guides you toward your target while in your actual performance you are regularly slightly off target. Success in any area requires constantly readjusting your behavior as the result of feedback from your experience. ”

- Michael Gelb and Tony Buzan

“ Ineffective people live day after day with unused potential. They experience synergy only in small, peripheral ways in their lives. But creative experiences can be produced regularly, consistently, almost daily in people's lives. It requires enormous personal security and openness and a spirit of adventure. ”

- Stephen Covey

“ You know what happens when I'm singing? My lip - if I'm in a certain mood - my lip will naturally, instinctively go up when I'm snarling or when I'm upset onstage or when I'm really into whatever I'm singing. And that's not intentional. But I see these photos regularly of comparisons of him and me with that lip going up… ”

- Lisa Marie Presley

“ Librarians, Dusty, possess a vast store of politeness. These are people who get asked regularly the dumbest questions on God's green earth. These people tolerate every kind of crank and eccentric and mouth-breather there is. ”

- Garrison Keillor

“ I have long thought that anyone who does not regularly - or ever - gaze up and see the wonder and glory of a dark night sky filled with countless stars loses a sense of their fundamental connectedness to the universe. ”

- Brian Greene
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