Quotes of Referee - somelinesforyou

“ I never questioned the integrity of an umpire. Their eyesight, yes. ”

- Leo Durocher

“ Doubt yourself and you doubt everything you see. Judge yourself and you see judges everywhere. But if you listen to the sound of your own voice, you can rise above doubt and judgment. And you can see forever. ”

- Nancy Kerrigan

“ I'm a compromiser and a maneuverer. I try to get something. That's the way our system works. ”

- Lyndon B. Johnson

“ You argue with the umpire because there is nothing else you can do about it. ”

- Leo Durocher

“ I have no problems with the fact that people recognize me, I'm very glad about it, but to be a movie star is kind of unreal for me. ”

- Olivier Martinez

“ Boys, I'm one of those umpires that misses 'em every once in a while so if it's close, you'd better hit it. ”

- Cal Hubbard

“ I think that the United States can contribute to the process more as a facilitator than as a kind of policeman, judge and arbitrator. ”

- Ehud Barak

“ Umpires are necessary evils. ”

- Doug Harvey

“ I ain't got no right to judge someone. ”

- Frank Bruno

“ A good judge conceives quickly, judges slowly. ”

- Unknown

“ Why are the umpires, the only two people on the field who aren't going to get grass stains on their knees, the only ones allowed to wear dark trousers. ”

- Katharine Whitehorn

“ The ultimate umpire of all things in life is — fact. ”

- Agnes C. Laut

“ Most of us are umpires at heart; we like to call balls and strikes on somebody else. ”

- Leo Aikman

“ Thieves for their robbery have authority When judges steal themselves. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ The poet judges not as a judge judges but as the sun falling around a helpless thing. ”

- Walt Whitman

“ Being an umpire is like being a king. It prepares you for nothing. ”

- Ron Luciano

“ The magistrates are the ministers for the laws, the judges their interpreters, the rest of us are servants of the law, that we all may be free. ”

- Marcus Tullius Cicero

“ Rules of society are nothing; ones conscience is the umpire. ”

- Madame Dudevant

“ Obscenity is whatever happens to shock some elderly and ignorant magistrate. ”

- Bertrand Russell

“ The world at large does not judge us by who we are and what we know; it judges us by what we have. ”

- Joyce Brothers

“ Society is well governed when its people obey the magistrates, and the magistrates obey the law. ”

- Solon

“ Having one child makes you a parent; having two you are a referee. ”

- David Frost

“ You must get involved to have an impact. No one is impressed with the won-lost record of the referee. ”

- John H. Holcomb

“ The man who wins may have been counted out several times but he didn't hear the referee. ”

- H. E. Jansen

“ No matter how calmly you try to referee, parenting will eventually produce bizarre behavior, and I'm not talking about the kids. Their behavior is always normal. ”

- Bill Cosby
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