Quotes of Puzzled - somelinesforyou

“ A good woman's arms round a man's neck is a lifebelt thrown out to him from heaven. ”

- Jerome K. Jerome

“ And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. ”

- Bible

“ Aim at heaven, and you will get earth thrown in; aim at earth, and you will get neither. ”

- C. S. Lewis

“ It's great to be able to pinch your side and find there's not too much fat. Can you pinch your soul and find the same? ”

- Christopher Blake

“ His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork. ”

- Mae West

“ Perplexed and troubled at his bad success The Tempter stood, nor had what to reply, Discovered in his fraud, thrown from his hope. ”

- John Milton

“ She wears her clothes as if they were thrown on with a pitch folk. ”

- Jonathan Swift

“ I was thrown out of N.Y.U. my freshman year for cheating on my metaphysics final. You know, I looked within the soul of the boy sitting next to me. ”

- Woody Allen

“ Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither. ”

- C.S. Lewis

“ Corpses are more fit to be thrown out than is dung. ”

- Heraclitus

“ There's only one me, and I'm stuck with him. ”

- Kurt Vonnegut

“ I would just stand there puzzled, then realize this would be a great place to make a show. ”

- Tommy Tune

“ Many have puzzled themselves about the origin of evil. I am content to observe that there is evil, and that there is a way to escape from it, and with this I begin and end. ”

- John Newton

“ Conditions for creativity are to be puzzled; to concentrate; to accept conflict and tension; to be born everyday; to feel a sense of self. ”

- Erich Fromm

“ It is good to pray for the repair of mistakes, but praying earlier would keep us from making so many. When puzzled, go to prayer and listen. ”

- J. C. Macaulay

“ And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before… ”

- Dr. Seuss

“ I was always puzzled by the fact that people have a great deal of trouble and pain when and if they are forced or feel forced to change a belief or circumstance which they hold dear. I found what I believe is the answer when I read that a Canadian neurosurgeon discovered some truths about the human mind which revealed the intensity of this problem… ”

- Sidney Madwed

“ When Neil Armstong first set foot on the moon, he and all the space scientists were puzzled by an unidentifiable white object. I knew immediately what it was. That was a home run ball hit off me in 1973 by Jimmie Foxx. ”

- Lefty Gomez

“ You must always be puzzled by mental illness. The thing I would dread most, if I became mentally ill, would be your adopting a common sense attitude; that you could take it for granted that I was deluded. ”

- Ludwig Wittgenstein

“ Sometimes a neighbor whom we have disliked a lifetime for his arrogance and conceit lets fall a single commonplace remark that shows us another side, another man, really; a man uncertain, and puzzled, and in the dark like ourselves. ”

- Willa Cather
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