Quotes of Publish - somelinesforyou

“ In matters of truth the fact that you don't want to publish something is, nine times out of ten, a proof that you ought to publish it. ”

- Gilbert K. Chesterton

“ To write what is worth publishing, to find honest people to publish it, and get sensible people to read it, are the three great difficulties in being an author. ”

- Charles Caleb Colton

“ I don't want to work hard on a book that is not going to be published in my lifetime. I want the money now! And, of course, I want to see the book published. ”

- Robert Parker

“ A nice thing about children's books, though I'm probably alone in this opinion among people who write and publish them, is that they did get to be in this unrecognized ghetto for a long time. ”

- Daniel Handler

“ Publishing is a business, but journalism never was and is not essentially a business. Nor is it a profession. ”

- Henry R. Luce

“ I got a B.A. from Hunter College, worked as a school teacher, a lobster salesman, and a literary agent before being published. ”

- Evan Hunter

“ Truth is the greatest of all national possessions. A state, a people, a system which suppresses the truth or fears to publish it, deserves to collapse. ”

- Kurt Eisner

“ The profit of books is according to the sensibility of the reader. The profoundest thought or passion sleeps as in a mine, until an equal mind and heart finds and publishes it. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ I like reading Ball Tongue lyrics and all that stuff. And they published a book, and I wouldn't give my lyrics, and it's all wrong in the book, and I giggle. It's funny. ”

- Jonathan Davis

“ If you wrote a novel in South Africa which didn't concern the central issues, it wouldn't be worth publishing. ”

- Alan Paton

“ With a face like mine, I do better in print. ”

- Jerry Springer

“ I have nothing to declare except my genuis. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ Advertising is salesmanship-in-print. ”

- Claude C. Hopkins

“ The job of an editor in a publishing house is the dullest, hardest, most exciting, exasperating and rewarding of perhaps any job in the world. ”

- John Hall Wheelock

“ If you have to have a policy manual, publish the Ten Commandments. ”

- Robert Townsend

“ All those people whose faces decorate the shopping bags of Barnes and Noble, with a few exceptions, would never get published today. ”

- Mark Crispin Miller

“ A person who publishes a book willfully appears before the populace with his pants down. If it is a good book nothing can hurt him. If it is a bad book nothing can help him. ”

- Edna St. Vincent Millay

“ Publishing a volume of verse is like dropping a rose petal down the Grand Canyon and waiting for the echo. ”

- Don Marquis

“ When you publish a book, it's the world's book. The world edits it. ”

- Philip Roth

“ That charity which longs to publish itself, ceases to be charity. ”

- William Hutton

“ Imagine being able to sit at your desk and with a few keystrokes on your computer — being able to access almost any information you need from a storehouse of the world's published knowledge. ”

- Dialog Brochure

“ I wrote for twelve years and collected 250 rejection slips before getting any fiction published, so I guess outside reinforcement isn't all that important to me. ”

- Lisa Alther

“ I believe that it is my job not only to write books but to have them published. A book is like a child. You have to defend the life of a child. ”

- George Konrad

“ Publish and be damned. ”

- Duke of Wellington

“ For several days after my first book was published, I carried it about in my pocket and took surreptitious peeps at it to make sure the ink had not faded. ”

- James M. Barrie

“ Tell it not in Gath; publish it not in the streets of Ashkelon. ”

- Bible

“ At least half the mystery novels published violate the law that the solution, once revealed, must seem to be inevitable. ”

- Raymond Chandler

“ As long as I am an American citizen and American blood runs in these veins, I shall hold myself at liberty to speak, to write, and to publish whatever I please on any subject. ”

- Elija Lovejoy

“ No nation ancient or modern ever lost the liberty of freely speaking, writing, or publishing their sentiments, but forthwith lost their liberty in general and became slaves. ”

- John Peter Zenger

“ To John I owed great obligation; but John, unhappily, thought fit to publish it to all the nation: Sure John and I are more than quit. ”

- Matthew
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