Quotes of Pauper - somelinesforyou

“ He wrapped himself in quotations — as a beggar would enfold himself in the purple of Emperors. ”

- Rudyard Kipling

“ Without a rich heart, wealth is an ugly beggar. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ Hurrah for revolution and more cannon-shot!A beggar upon horseback lashes a beggar on foot.Hurrah for revolution and cannon come again!The beggars have changed places, but the lash goes on. ”

- William Butler Yeats

“ You obviously don't know what an Old Man of the Sea great wealth is. It is not a fat purse and time to spend it. Its owner finds himself beset on every side, at every hour, wherever he goes, by persistent pleaders, like beggars in Bombay, each demanding that he invest or give away part of his wealth… ”

- Robert Anson Heinlein

“ Pride is as loud a beggar as want, and a great deal more saucy. ”

- Benjamin Franklin

“ Beggars do not envy millionaires, though of course they will envy other beggars who are more successful. ”

- Bertrand Russell

“ Beggars invention and makes fancy lame. ”

- William Cowper

“ When beggars die there are no comets seen;The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ We are all beggars, each in his own way. ”

- Mark Twain

“ He that has neither fools, whores nor beggars among his kindred, is the son of a thunder-gust. ”

- Benjamin Franklin

“ A shamefaced man makes a bad beggar. ”

- Homer

“ I cannot help it; reason has nothing to do with it; I love her against reason — but who would as soon love me for my own sake, as she would love the beggar at the corner. ”

- Charles Dickens

“ Set a beggar on horse backe, they saie, and hee will neuer alight. ”

- Robert Greene

“ Being holiday, the beggar's shop is shut. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ He that will lose his friend for a jest, deserves to die a beggar by the bargain. ”

- Thomas Fuller

“ Evangelism is just one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread. ”

- D. T. Niles

“ A court is an assembly of noble and distinguished beggars. ”

- Charles Maurice

“ Beggar that I am, I am even poor in thanks, but I thank you; and sure, dear friends, my thanks are too dear a halfpenny. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ There are people who can never forgive a beggar for their not having given him anything. ”

- Karl Kraus

“ If wishes were horses beggars would ride. ”

- Unknown

“ This is the latest in a long line of failures. This serial incompetence beggars belief. ”

- David Davis

“ Furthermore, they were constantly informed by all the camp authorities that they had been abandoned by the world: they were beggars and lucky to receive the daily soup of starvation. ”

- Martha Gellhorn

“ And love is love in beggars and in kings. ”

- Edward Dyer

“ Beggars should be entirely abolished! Truly, it is annoying to give to them and annoying not to give to them. ”

- Friedrich Nietzsche

“ Thoughts are funny little things,They can make paupers or make kings. ”

- Sidney Madwed

“ The richest man on earth is but a pauper fed and clothed by the bounty of heaven. Proverb Riches have made more men covetous, than covetousness hath made men rich. ”

- Unknown

“ Thinking and Thought: Thoughts are funny little things, They can make paupers or make kings. ”

- Sidney Madwed

“ Wealth is an inborn attitude of mind, like poverty. The pauper who has made his pile may flaunt his spoils, but cannot wear them plausibly. ”

- Jean Cocteau

“ In this world, shipmates, sin that pays its way can travel freely, and without passport; whereas Virtue, if a pauper, is stopped at all frontiers. ”

- Herman Melville

“ Better a living beggar than a buried emperor. ”

- Jean de La Fontaine
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