Quotes of Paste - somelinesforyou

“ What is a kisse? Why this, as some approve: The sure sweet cement, glue, and lime of love. ”

- Robert Herrick

“ Consistency is a paste jewel that only cheap men cherish. ”

- William Allen White

“ Every age has a keyhole to which its eye is pasted. ”

- Mary McCarthy

“ Marge: Homer! There's someone here who can help you... Homer: Is it Batman? Marge: No, he's a scientist. Homer: Batman's a scientist?! Marge: It's not Batman! ”

- Homer Simpson

“ We do NOT know the past in chronological sequence. It may be convenient to lay it out anesthetized on the table with dates pasted on here and there, but what we know we know by ripples and spirals eddying out from us and from our own time. ”

- Ezra
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