Quotes of Outdoor - somelinesforyou

“ I hate the outdoors. To me the outdoors is where the car is. ”

- Will Durst

“ Brass bands are all very well in their place - outdoors and several miles away. ”

- Thomas Beecham

“ I was simply furnishing a home. I love music … and I don't think a $130,000 indoor-outdoor stereo system is extravagant. ”

- Leona Helmsley

“ Skiing combines outdoor fun with knocking down trees with your face. ”

- Dave Barry

“ If you instill in your child a love of the outdoors and an appreciation of nature, you will have given him a treasure no one can take away. ”

- D. Elton Trueblood

“ Charity begins at home, and generally dies from lack of outdoor exercise. ”

- Unknown

“ Hearty laughter is a good way to jog internally without having to go outdoors. ”

- Norman Cousins

“ Obvious enough that generalities work to protect the mind from the great outdoors; is it possible that this was in fact their first purpose? ”

- Howard Nemerov

“ Three things drive a man outdoors; smoke, a leaking roof and a scolding wife. ”

- Unknown

“ Australia is an outdoor country. People only go inside to use the toilet. And that's only a recent development. ”

- Barry Humphries
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