Quotes of Oar - somelinesforyou

“ Two such as you with such a master speed, cannot be parted nor be swept away, from one another once you are agreed, that life is only life forevermore, together wing to wing and oar to oar. ”

- Robert Frost

“ There are some people who leave impressions not so lasting as the imprint of an oar upon the water. ”

- Kate Chopin

“ This is what extremely grieves us, that a man who never fought Should contrive our fees to pilfer, on who for his native land Never to this day had oar, or lance, or blister in his hand. ”

- Aristophanes

“ He that embarks on the voyage of life will always wish to advance rather by the impulse of the wind than the strokes of the oar; and many fold in their passage; while they lie waiting for the gale. ”

- Samuel Johnson

“ I don't believe in just ordering people to do things. You have to sort of grab an oar and row with them. ”

- Harold Sydney Geneen

“ It is not good to have an oar in everyone's boat. ”

- Earl Camden

“ There are no galley-slaves in the royal vessel of divine love — every man works his oar voluntarily! ”

- St. Francis De Sales

“ Just about a month from now I'm set adrift, with a diploma for a sail and lots of nerve for oars. ”

- Richard Halliburton

“ Prejudice is a raft onto which the shipwrecked mind clambers and paddles to. ”

- Ben Hecht

“ I'm very lucky. The only time I was ever up shit creek, I just happened to have a paddle with me. ”

- George Carlin
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