Quotes of Noon - somelinesforyou

“ Robert Morley is a legend in his own lunchtime. ”

- Rex Harrison

“ The day of the sun is like the day of a king. It is a promenade in the morning, a sitting on the throne at noon, a pageant in the evening. ”

- Wallace Stevens

“ Harvard was a kind of luxurious afternoon. ”

- Lincoln Kirstein

“ Most of the confidence which I appear to feel, especially when influenced by noon wine, is only a pretense. ”

- Tennessee Williams

“ When a civilization takes up the study of itself, it is always high noon. ”

- Michael Mooney

“ A minister has to be able to read a clock. At noon, it's time to go home and turn up the pot roast and get the peas out of the freezer. ”

- Garrison Keillor

“ A rare experience of a moment at daybreak, when something in nature seems to reveal all consciousness, cannot be explained at noon. Yet it is part of the day's unity. ”

- Charles Ives

“ You feel a little older in the morning. By noon I feel about 55. ”

- Bob Dole

“ Like an immense flock of chattering birds observing precise migratory habits, every Wednesday, just a few minutes before noon, they swoop down upon the midtown area. ”

- Deirdre Carmody

“ Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night. ”

- Sir William Blake

“ There is no comparing the brutality and cynicism of today's pop culture with that of forty years ago: from "High Noon" to "Robocop" is a long descent. ”

- Charles Krauthammer

“ His Labor is a Chant — his Idleness — a Tune — oh, for a Bee's experience of Clovers, and of Noon! ”

- Emily Dickinson

“ He that has the name to be an early riser may sleep till noon. ”

- James Howell

“ Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray. ”

- The Holy Bible

“ If we were to wake up some morning and find that everyone was the same race, creed and color, we would find some other cause for prejudice by noon. ”

- George Aiken

“ I don't generally feel anything until noon; then it's time for my nap. ”

- Bob Hope

“ A truly great book should be read in youth, again in maturity and once more in old age, as a fine building should be seen by morning light, at noon and by moonlight. ”

- Robertson Davies

“ As impossible as it is for us to take a breath in the morning large enough to last us until noon, so impossible is it to pray in the morning in such a way as to last us until noon. Let your prayers ascend to Him constantly, audibly or silently, as circumstances throughout the day permit. ”

- Hallesby

“ There was a little afternoon show that was called Afternoon. Back in those days in television, most local stations had a midday show for housewives that had a series of things. It was like a variety show for midday. ”

- Jim Henson

“ I have never been a quitter. To leave office before my term is completed is opposed to every instinct in my body. But as president I must put the interests of America first Therefore, I shall resign the presidency effective at noon tomorrow. ”

- Richard M. Nixon

“ One of the first jobs I ever had in the industry was with Fred Zinnermann, who directed High Noon. I was in Julia with Jane Fonda, and I was this slimy, awful man. Mr Z said to me, 'This man believes he himself is very noble'. It was my first insight into the type of characters I've played… ”

- John Glover

“ To people who grumbled at the weather he recommended a garden, as the best of remedies for that commonest of melancholies, for there is no weather that did not suit some plant. In the hottest and driest time the portulacas are burning red in the sand… ”

- Liberty Hyde Bailey

“ The complete life, the perfect pattern, includes old age as well as youth and maturity. The beauty of the morning and the radiance of noon are good, but it would be a very silly person who drew the curtains and turned on the light in order to shut out the tranquility of the evening… ”

- W. Somerset Maugham

“ If a walker is indeed an individualist there is nowhere he can't go at dawn and not many places he can't go at noon. But just as it demeans life to live alongside a great river you can no longer swim in or drink from, to be crowded into safer areas and hours takes much of the gloss off walking — one sport you shouldn't have to reserve a time and a court for. ”

- Edward Hoagland

“ Forth from his dark and lonely hiding-place, the owlet Atheism, sailing on obscene wings athwart the noon, drops his blue-fringed lids, and holds them close, and hooting at the glorious sun in Heaven, cries out, "Where is it?". ”

- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
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