Quotes of Noodle - somelinesforyou

“ Without realizing it, you've actually become a ready-made family, like pot noodles - put the hot water in and it's there. ”

- Samantha Morton

“ I can boil a kettle for a pot noodle and have been known to warm up some food in the microwave but cookery is definitely not one of my specialties. ”

- Michael J. Owen

“ I like refried beans. That's why I wanna try fried beans, because maybe they're just as good and we're just wasting time. You don't have to fry them again after all. ”

- Mitch Hedberg

“ After my father died, I stayed relatively sane for two years, although I did lose my noodle at summer camp right after my dad's death. But when I hit 12, 13, that was it. I hated my mom's boyfriend, and there was a lot of control on me. I didn't like that, so I rebelled. ”

- Lisa Marie Presley
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