Quotes of Microscopic - somelinesforyou

“ I feel successful when the writing goes well. This lasts five minutes. Once, when I was on the bestseller list, I also felt successful. That lasted three minutes. ”

- Jacqueline Briskin

“ My attachment has neither the blindness of the beginning, nor the microscopic accuracy of the close of such liaisons. ”

- Lord Byron

“ When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap. ”

- Cynthia Heimel

“ Why has not man a microscopic eye? For the plain reason man is not a fly. ”

- Alexander Pope

“ My reaction to porn films is as follows: After the first ten minutes, I want to go home and screw. After the first 20 minutes, I never want to screw again as long as I live. ”

- Erica Jong

“ A new study found that most people can't go 10 minutes without lying. But since the study took 20 minutes nobody knows what to believe. ”

- Jimmy Fallon

“ Eight minutes past the hour here in Belgium - and presumably eight minutes past the hour everywhere in the world. ”

- Murray Walker

“ If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done. ”

- Unknown

“ Everything is being compressed into tiny tablets. You take a little pill of news every day - 23 minutes - and that's supposed to be enough. ”

- Walter Cronkite

“ The simplest single-celled organism oscillates to a number of different frequencies, at the atomic, molecular, sub-cellular, and cellular levels. Microscopic movies of these organisms are striking for the ceaseless, rhythmic pulsation that is revealed… ”

- George Leonard
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