Quotes of Merry - somelinesforyou

“ Sex is the most fun you can have without laughing. ”

- Woody Allen

“ Youth! youth! how buoyant are thy hopes; they turn, Like marigolds, toward the sunny side. ”

- Jean Ingelow

“ The more the merrier. ”

- John Heywood

“ Sing a song of Birthdays Full of fun and cheer And may you keep on having them For many a happy year. ”

- Anonymous

“ Merrily, merrily shall I live now, Under the blossom that hangs on the bough. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ 'Twas Christmas broach'd the mightiest ale; 'twas Christmas told the merriest tale; a Christmas gambol oft could cheer the poor man's heart through half the year. ”

- Sir Walter Scott

“ There the Bush Administration has offered only a merry-go-round policy. They got up on their high horse, whooped and hollered, rode around in circles and ended right back where they'd started. ”

- John F. Kerry

“ We were young, we were merry, we were very, very wise, And the door stood open at our feast, When there passed us a woman with the West in her eyes, And a man with his back to the East. ”

- Mary Elizabeth Coleridge

“ Be of good comfort brother; for we shall have a merry supper with the Lord tonight! ”

- John Bradford

“ As it fell upon a day in the merry month of May, sitting in a pleasant shade which a grove of myrtles made. ”

- Richard Barnfield

“ When I think of a merry, happy, free young girl — and look at the ailing, aching state a young wife generally is doomed to — which you can't deny is the penalty of marriage. ”

- Queen Victoria

“ Then sing, young hearts that are full of cheer, with never a thought of sorrow; the old goes out, but the glad young year comes merrily in tomorrow. ”

- Emily Miller

“ If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, wouldn't it be a Merry Christmas? ”

- Don Meredith

“ You don't really understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around - and why his parents will always wave back. ”

- William D. Tammeus

“ You may search my time-worn face, You'll find a merry eye that twinkles. I am NOT an old lady Just a little girl with wrinkles! ”

- Edythe E. Bregnard

“ A merry heart doeth good like medicine. ”

- King Solomon

“ A merry heart maketh a cheeful countenance. ”

- King Solomon

“ When a guy can make fun of you, thats attractive. Who knew that teasing could have so much power over women! ”

- Rachel Bilson

“ One cannot be always laughing at a man without now and then stumbling on something witty. ”

- Jane Austen

“ And the Baron's retainers were blithe and gay, And keeping their Christmas holiday. ”

- Thomas Haynes Bayly

“ A cheerful friend is like a sunny day, which sheds its brightness on all around. ”

- Sir John Lubbock

“ A cheerful friend is like a sunny day, which sheds its brightness on all around. ”

- John Lubbock

“ A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things. ”

- The Holy Bible

“ I had rather have a fool make me merry, than experience make me sad. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ I am not merry; but I do beguile The thing I am, by seeming otherwise. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. ”

- J. R. R. Tolkien

“ Love is a perky elf dancing a merry little jig, and then suddenly he turns on you with a miniature machine gun. ”

- Matt Groening

“ Heap on more wood - the wind is chill; But let it whistle as it will, We'll keep our Christmas merry still. ”

- Sir Walter Scott

“ And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. ”

- Bible
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