Quotes of Meanness - somelinesforyou

“ Take the selfishness out of this world and there would be more happiness than we should know what to do with. ”

- Henry Wheeler Shaw

“ A doctrine insulates the devout not only against the realities around them but also against their own selves. The fanatical believer is not conscious of his envy, malice, pettiness and dishonesty. There is a wall of words between his consciousness and his real self. ”

- Eric Hoffer

“ Offended self-love never forgives. ”

- Giovanni Ruffini

“ I've given up reading books. I find it takes my mind off myself. ”

- Oscar Levant

“ None are so empty as those who are full of themselves. ”

- Benjamin Whichcote

“ To write the lives of the great, in separating them from their works, necessarily ends by above all stressing their pettiness, because it is in their work that they have put the best of themselves. ”

- Simone Weil

“ Love is what is left in a relationship after all the selfishness is taken out. ”

- Nick Richardson

“ Let not a man's self be to him all in all. ”

- Benjamin Whichcote

“ If Self be predominant, the man is unsociable. ”

- Benjamin Whichcote

“ Those who occupy their minds with small matters, generally become incapable of greatness. ”

- Francois De La Rochefoucauld

“ I did not have three thousand pairs of shoes. I had one thousand and sixty. ”

- Imelda Marcos

“ No man will work for your interests unless they are his. ”

- David Seabury

“ Being sorry is the highest act of selfishness, seeing value only after discarding it. ”

- Doug Horton

“ There ain't nothing but one thing wrong with every one of us, and that's selfishness. ”

- Will Rogers

“ You shouldn't punish others for your own choices. ”

- Dr. Laurence J. Peter

“ How much that the world calls selfishness is only generosity with narrow walls. ”

- Thomas Wentworth Higginson

“ Take the selfishness out of this world, and there would be more happiness than we should know what to do with. ”

- H. W. Shaw

“ We all should rise, above the clouds of ignorance, narrowness, and selfishness. ”

- Booker T. Washington

“ Cruelty towards others is always also cruelty towards ourselves. ”

- Paul Tillich

“ If I take death into my life, acknowledge it, and face it squarely, I will free myself from the anxiety of death and the pettiness of life - and only then will I be free to become myself. ”

- Martin Heidegger

“ A noble heart cannot suspect in others the pettiness and malice that it has never felt. ”

- Jean Racine

“ It'll be very difficult for the Democrats to sit at the committee and hold him over out of petulance and pettiness. The American people had enough of that this week. ”

- Steve Schmidt

“ There are no generalizations in American politics that vested selfishness cannot cut through. ”

- John Gunther

“ Wealth… and poverty: the one is the parent of luxury and indolence, and the other of meanness and viciousness, and both of discontent. ”

- Plato

“ Wealth is the parent of luxury and indolence, and poverty of meanness and viciousness, and both of discontent. ”

- Plato

“ So, throughout life, our worst weaknesses and meannesses are usually committed for the sake of the people whom we most despise. ”

- Charles Dickens

“ Conquest is the missionary of valor, and the hard impact of military virtues beats meanness out of the world. ”

- Walter Bagehot

“ Guard within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness. ”

- George Sand

“ Honest statesmanship is the wise employment of individual meanness for the public good. ”

- Abraham Lincoln

“ Matrimony is the union of meanness and martyrdom. ”

- Karl Kraus
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