Quotes of Manual - somelinesforyou

“ When the white man came, we had the land and they had the bibles. Now they have the land and we have the bibles. ”

- Chief Dan George

“ It was closer to manual labor than shooting a film. I always think of something Michael Caton-Jones told me: 'Pain is temporary. Film is forever.'. ”

- Leonardo DiCaprio

“ Writing is manual labor of the mind: a job, like laying pipe. ”

- John Gregory Dunne

“ The manuals we got from IBM would show examples of programs and I knew I could do a heck of a lot better than that. So I thought I might have some talent. ”

- Donald Knuth

“ I would say I'd rather dig a ditch, you know, do hard, manual labor than write lyrics. ”

- Natalie Merchant

“ If you have to have a policy manual, publish the Ten Commandments. ”

- Robert Townsend

“ I class myself as a manual laborer. ”

- Theodore H. White

“ Drive now. Text later. ”

- Unknown

“ Tyrannosaurus drives. Tyrannosaurus texts. Tyrannosaurus rex. ”

- Unknown

“ That kind of so-called housekeeping where they have six Bibles and no cork-screw. ”

- Mark Twain

“ He that is not with me is against me. ”

- Bible

“ It is quite possible that we can do greater things than Jesus, for what is written in the Bible about him is poetically embellished. ”

- Albert Einstein

“ Engineering is an activity other than purely manual and physical work which brings about the utilization of the materials and laws of nature for the good of humanity. ”

- R. E. Hellmund

“ Every time you suppress some part of yourself or allow others to play you small, you are in essence ignoring the owner's manual your creator gave you and destroying your design. ”

- Oprah Winfrey

“ Always be aware of any helpful item that weighs less than it's operating manual. ”

- Terry Pratchett

“ A modern U.S. Navy cruiser now requires 26 tons of manuals. This is enough to affect the vessel's performance. ”

- David Mankins

“ One of the universal rules of happiness is: always be wary of any helpful item that weighs less than its operating manual. ”

- Terry Pratchett

“ Customer service doesn't come from a manual, it comes from the heart. When you're taking care of the customer, you can never do too much. And there is NO wrong way - if it comes from the heart. ”

- Debbie Fields

“ A computer won't clean up the errors in your manual of procedures. ”

- Sheila M. Eby

“ Then anyone who leaves behind him a written manual, and likewise anyone who receives it, in the belief that such writing will be clear and certain, must be exceedingly simple-minded… ”

- Plato

“ I see journalists as the manual workers, the laborers of the word. Journalism can only be literature when it is passionate. ”

- Marguerite Duras

“ Language ought to be the joint creation of poets and manual workers. ”

- George Orwell

“ Manual labor to my father was not only good and decent for its own sake, but as he was given to saying, it straightened out one's thoughts. ”

- Mary Ellen Chase

“ Syzygy, inexorable, pancreatic, phantasmagoria — anyone who can use those four words in one sentence will never have to do manual labor. ”

- W.P. Kinsella

“ The earth is like a spaceship that didn't come with an operating manual. ”

- R. Buckminster Fuller

“ Jesus Christ is our supreme commander, but He operates only through His word, which is unquestionably a training manual. However, He has many interpreters, and few people see the Bible as a true training manual. ”

- Gary North

“ Life is complex. Each one of us must make his own path through life. There are no self-help manuals, no formulas, no easy answers. The right road for one is the wrong road for another…The journey of life is not paved in blacktop; it is not brightly lit, and it has no road signs… ”

- M. Scott Peck

“ When we of the so-called better classes are scared as men were never scared in history at material ugliness and hardship; when we put off marriage until our house can be artistic, and quake at the thought of having a child without a bank account and doomed to manual labor, it is time for thinking men to protest against so unmanly and irreligious a state of opinion. ”

- William James

“ The Past is the textbook of tyrants; the Future the Bible of the Free. Those who are solely governed by the Past stand like Lot's wife, crystallized in the act of looking backward, and forever incapable of looking before. ”

- Herman Melville

“ I hate to paint portraits! I hope never to paint another portrait in my life. Portraiture may be all right for a man in his youth, but after forty I believe that manual dexterity deserts one, and, besides, the color-sense is less acute. Youth can better stand the exactions of a personal kind that are inseparable from portraiture… ”

- John Singer Sargent
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