Quotes of Madonna - somelinesforyou

“ My record royalties right now are four times stronger than when I was the Madonna of my day,... Now it's over the top. I mean the records, they all hold up through the years. ”

- Tony Benn

“ Madonna's got one big choice. Take a couple of years off and become a human being. ”

- Sandra Bernhard

“ It was written in some newspaper that I'm a Japanese Britney Spears. I like her, and she's fun to watch, but I don't get the sense that she's her own creation. Who I really like is Madonna. What I admire is she's made it on her own terms. ”

- Ayumi Hamasaki

“ Don't confuse fame with success. Madonna is one; Helen Keller is the other. ”

- Erma Bombeck

“ I sometimes think I was born to live up to my name. How could I be anything else but what I am having been named Madonna? I would either have ended up a nun or this. ”

- Madonna

“ The Catholic Church has never really come to terms with women. What I object to is woman being treated either as a Madonna or a Mary Magdalene. ”

- Shirley Williams

“ If I ever complain about yachting around the Mediterranean with Madonna, who I just idolized as a child, I should be slapped across the face. ”

- Elizabeth Banks

“ If I was a girl again, I would like to be like my fans, I would like to be like Madonna. ”

- Madonna Ciccone

“ I would like to have Lenny Kravitz on my project, as well as Prince…I'd also like to have Chris Gaines on it…Madonna, maybe a song with Michael Jackson… and of course Lil' Kim. ”

- Lisa Lopes

“ They're talking about banning cigarette smoking now in any place that's used by ten or more people in a week, which, I guess, means that Madonna can't even smoke in bed. ”

- Bill Maher
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