Quotes of Loosely - somelinesforyou

“ I believe managing is like holding a dove in your hands. If you hold it too tightly, you crush it, but if you hold it too loosely, you lose it. ”

- Tommy Lasorda

“ A critic is a bundle of biases held loosely together by a sense of taste. ”

- Whitney Balliett

“ And that was victory. The freedom to sprawl loosely upon a city street, heat his coffee and eat a can of beans… with no enemy bullets forcing him to toss the can aside while diving behind another wall for momentary survival. ”

- David Douglas Duncan

“ I look upon those pitiful concretions of lime and clay which spring up, in mildewed forwardness, out of the kneaded fields about our capital… not merely with the careless disgust of an offended eye, not merely with sorrow for a desecrated landscape, but with a painful foreboding that the roots of our national greatness must be deeply cankered when they are thus loosely struck in their native ground… ”

- John Ruskin

“ It is ludicrous to read the microwave direction on the boxes of food you buy, as each one will have a disclaimer: THIS WILL VARY WITH YOUR MICROWAVE. Loosely translated, this means, You're on your own, Bernice. ”

- Erma Bombeck
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