Quotes of Lecturer - somelinesforyou

“ Culture is an instrument wielded by professors to manufacture professors who when their turn comes, will manufacture professors. ”

- Simone Weil

“ I think that there are some teachers that do a very good job of incorporating culture and history. And there are some teachers who could use a little more help. ”

- Anne Sullivan

“ The first duty of a lecturer: to hand you after an hour's discourse a nugget of pure truth to wrap up between the pages of your notebooks, and keep on the mantlepiece forever. ”

- Virginia Woolf

“ The first duty of a lecturer is to hand you after an hour's discourse a nugget of pure truth to wrap up between the pages of your notebooks and keep on the mantelpiece forever. ”

- Virginia Woolf

“ As long as any adult thinks that he, like the parents and teachers of old, can become introspective, invoking his own youth to understand the youth before him, he is lost. ”

- Margaret Mead

“ Journalism allows its readers to witness history; fiction gives its readers an opportunity to live it. ”

- John Hersey

“ Some kids, for some reason, it just doesn't click in the classroom as they need it to. We have college coaches talk to them, former high school athletes, motivational speakers, teachers, principals. ”

- John Williams

“ The sins of teachers are the teachers of sin. ”

- William Gurnall

“ I'm no advertising genius. I found that if you deliver news and information to the consumer, or the reader, then the advertisers will follow to reach those readers. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ It was God who made me so beautiful. If I weren't, then I'd be a teacher. ”

- Linda Evangelista
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