Quotes of Al Neuharth - somelinesforyou

“ I quit being afraid when my first venture failed and the sky didn’t fall down. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ Never hesitate to steal a good idea. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ Never hesitate to steal a good idea. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ Never hesitate to steal a good idea. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ Never hesitate to steal a good idea. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ Never hesitate to steal a good idea. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ Don't just learn something from every experience, learn something positive. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ Don't just learn something from every experience, learn something positive. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ I'm no advertising genius. I found that if you deliver news and information to the consumer, or the reader, then the advertisers will follow to reach those readers. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ I think he will bring a wonderful perspective. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ I'm no advertising genius. I found that if you deliver news and information to the consumer, or the reader, then the advertisers will follow to reach those readers. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ I'm no advertising genius. I found that if you deliver news and information to the consumer, or the reader, then the advertisers will follow to reach those readers. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ Don't just learn something from every experience, learn something positive. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ Never hesitate to steal a good idea. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ I'm no advertising genius. I found that if you deliver news and information to the consumer, or the reader, then the advertisers will follow to reach those readers. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ I'm no advertising genius. I found that if you deliver news and information to the consumer, or the reader, then the advertisers will follow to reach those readers. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ I'm no advertising genius. I found that if you deliver news and information to the consumer, or the reader, then the advertisers will follow to reach those readers. ”

- Al Neuharth

“ I'm no advertising genius. I found that if you deliver news and information to the consumer, or the reader, then the advertisers will follow to reach those readers. ”

- Al Neuharth
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