Quotes of Insensitivity - somelinesforyou

“ Just as the performance of the vilest and most wicked deeds requires spirit and talent, so even the greatest demand a certain insensitivity which under other circumstances we would call stupidity. ”

- Georg C. Lichtenberg

“ There is a close relationship between flowers and convicts. The fragility and delicacy of the former are of the same nature as the brutal insensitivity of the latter. ”

- Jean Genet

“ The secret to true happiness is a combination of low expectations and insensitivity. ”

- Olivia Goldsmith

“ My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. Unless there are three other people. ”

- Orson Welles

“ One mustn't criticize other people on grounds where he can't stand perpendicular himself. ”

- Mark Twain

“ It's what you do, unthinking, that makes the quick tear start; The tear may be forgotten — but the hurt stays in the heart. ”

- Ella Higginson

“ All say, "How hard it is that we have to die" — a strange complaint to come from the mouths of people who have had to live. ”

- Mark Twain

“ We may have civilized bodies and yet barbarous souls. We are blind to the real sights of this world; deaf to its voice; and dead to its death. And not till we know, that one grief outweighs ten thousand joys will we become what Christianity is striving to make us. ”

- Herman Melville

“ It is… axiomatic that we should all think of ourselves as being more sensitive than other people because, when we are insensitive in our dealings with others, we cannot be aware of it at the time: conscious insensitivity is a self-contradiction. ”

- W. H. Auden

“ The dark ghettos are social, political, educational and — above all — economic colonies. Their inhabitants are subject peoples, victims of the greed, cruelty, insensitivity, guilt, and fear of their masters. ”

- Kenneth B. Clark
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