Quotes of Induct - somelinesforyou

“ It is a little off-putting to be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame and then be charged to go there. ”

- Graham Nash

“ Invest in yourself, in your education. There's nothing better. ”

- Sylvia Porter

“ If you don't invest very much, then defeat doesn't hurt very much and winning is not very exciting. ”

- Dick Vermeil

“ The best use of life is to invest it in something which will out last life. ”

- William James

“ The only reason to invest in the market is because you think you know something others don't. ”

- Foster R. Winans

“ The more you invest in a marriage, the more valuable it becomes. ”

- Amy Grant

“ Invest in inflation. It's the only thing going up. ”

- Will Rogers

“ Capital formation is shifting from the entrepreneur who invests in the future to the pension trustee who invests in the past. ”

- Peter Drucker

“ It is no accident that banks resemble temples, preferably Greek, and that the supplicants who come to perform the rites of deposit and withdrawal instinctively lower their voices into the registers of awe. Even the most junior tellers acquire within weeks of their employment the officiousness of hierophants tending an eternal flame… ”

- Lewis H. Lapham

“ That was one of the things that James Taylor said about us when he inducted us into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame; that this was a real working band. It's very obvious when people come down to see the show tonight, they'll understand that this band has been getting along better personally and musically for the past couple of years and we're flying. ”

- Graham Nash
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