Quotes of Individualist - somelinesforyou

“ Except in a few well-publicized instances the rigorous practice of rugged individualism usually leads to poverty, ostracism and disgrace. The rugged individualist is too often mistaken for the misfit, the maverick, the spoilsport, the sore thumb. ”

- Lewis H. Lapham

“ The ideal American type is perfectly expressed by the Protestant, individualist, anti-conformist, and this is the type that is in the process of disappearing. In reality there are few left. ”

- Orson Welles

“ When I was young I was called a rugged individualist. When I was in my fifties I was considered eccentric. Here I am doing and saying the same things I did then and I'm labeled senile. ”

- George Burns

“ The writer is the Faust of modern society, the only surviving individualist in a mass age. To his orthodox contemporaries he seems a semi-madman. ”

- Boris Pasternak

“ Only in baseball can a team player be a pure individualist first and a team player second, within the rules and spirit of the game. ”

- Branch Rickey
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