Quotes of Included - somelinesforyou

“ I bought some batteries, but they weren't included. ”

- Steven Wright

“ One feels inclined to say that the intention that man should be "happy" is not included in the plan of "Creation.". ”

- Sigmund Freud

“ The more facts you tell, the more you sell. An advertisement's chance for success invariably increases as the number of pertinent merchandise facts included in the ad increases. ”

- Dr. Charles Edwards

“ My job is to make people money. If I don't include every factor that moves a stock-market psychology included-then I'm not doing my job. ”

- Thomas Kurlak

“ I like the fact that in ancient Chinese art the great painters always included a deliberate flaw in their work: human creation is never perfect. ”

- Madeleine L’Engle

“ I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, toys not included. ”

- Bernard Manning

“ Revolutions require work, revolutions require sacrifice, revolutions, and our own included, require a certain amount of rationing, a certain amount of calluses, a certain amount of sacrifice. ”

- Lee Harvey Oswald

“ Elderly gentlemen, gentle in all respects are found in lonely corners of the downs, hacking at sandpits or tussocks of grass, and muttering in a blind, ungovernable fury elaborate maledictions inextricable from them by robbery or murder. Men who would face torture without a word become blasphemous at the short fourteenth… ”

- A. P. Herbert

“ If our education had included training to bear unpleasantness and to let the first shock pass until we could think more calmly, many an unbearable situation would become manageable, and many a nervous illness avoided. There is proverb expressing this… ”

- Claire Weeks

“ In history an additional result is commonly produced by human actions beyond that which they aim at and obtain — that which they immediately recognize and desire. They gratify their own interest; but something further is thereby accomplished, latent in the actions in question, though not present to their consciousness, and not included in their design. ”

- Georg Hegel
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