Quotes of Incessant - somelinesforyou

“ Justice is the constant and perpetual will to allot to every man his due. ”

- Domitus Ulpian

“ Like dogs in a wheel, birds in a cage, or squirrels in a chain, ambitious men still climb and climb, with great labor, and incessant anxiety, but never reach the top. ”

- Robert Browning

“ The world is but a perpetual see-saw. ”

- Michel Eyquem de Montaigne

“ The world is but a large prison, out of which some are daily selected for execution. ”

- Sir Walter Raleigh

“ Justice is the constant and perpetual wish to render to every one his due. ”

- Justinian

“ As if his whole vocationWere endless imitation. ”

- William Wordsworth

“ The moral world is as little exempt as the physical world from the law of ceaseless change, of perpetual flux. ”

- James G. Frazer

“ How incessant and great are the ills with which a prolonged old age is replete. ”

- C. S. Lewis

“ The human brain can soften as a result of incessant listening to music with an intent to commit prose. ”

- Donal Henahan

“ We are restless because of incessant change, but we would be frightened if change were stopped. ”

- Lyman L. Bryson

“ The longest absence is less perilous to love than the terrible trials of incessant proximity. ”

- Ouida

“ Charity withers in the incessant gale. ”

- Phyllis McGinley

“ The hunt for young authors who, while maintaining a prestige value may yet somehow win the coveted jackpot, is feverish and incessant. Last year's authors are pushed aside and this year'she novelist Jean Stafford, her poet husband Robert Lowell, or the dark horse, Truman Capotere invariably mentioned… ”

- Cyril Connolly

“ To write is to make oneself the echo of what cannot cease speaking — and since it cannot, in order to become its echo I have, in a way, to silence it. I bring to this incessant speech the decisiveness, the authority of my own silence. ”

- Maurice Blanchot

“ The overall picture, as the boys say, is of a degraded community whose idealism even is largely fake. The pretentiousness, the bogus enthusiasm, the constant drinking, the incessant squabbling over money, the all-pervasive agent, the strutting of the big shots the constant fear of losing all this fairy gold and being the nothing they have never ceased to be, the snide tricks, the whole damn mess is out of this world. ”

- Raymond Chandler
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