Quotes of Justinian - somelinesforyou

“ Safety of the state is the highest law. ”

- Justinian

“ Safety of the state is the highest law. ”

- Justinian

“ Safety of the state is the highest law. ”

- Justinian

“ Keep cool and you will command everyone. ”

- Justinian

“ Justice is the constant and perpetual wish to render to every one his due. ”

- Justinian

“ Keep cool and you will command everyone. ”

- Justinian

“ Keep cool and you will command everyone. ”

- Justinian

“ Frugality is the mother of all virtues. ”

- Justinian

“ Safety of the state is the highest law. ”

- Justinian

“ Keep cool and you will command everyone. ”

- Justinian

“ Justice is the constant and perpetual wish to render to every one his due. ”

- Justinian

“ Justice is the constant and perpetual wish to render to every one his due. ”

- Justinian

“ Safety of the state is the highest law. ”

- Justinian

“ Justice is the constant and perpetual wish to render to every one his due. ”

- Justinian

“ Safety of the state is the highest law. ”

- Justinian

“ The safety of the State is the highest law. ”

- Justinian

“ Safety of the state is the highest law. ”

- Justinian

“ Frugality is the mother of all virtues. ”

- Justinian

“ Safety of the state is the highest law. ”

- Justinian

“ Safety of the state is the highest law. ”

- Justinian

“ Safety of the state is the highest law. ”

- Justinian

“ Safety of the state is the highest law. ”

- Justinian

“ Safety of the state is the highest law. ”

- Justinian

“ Justice is the constant and perpetual wish to render to every one his due. ”

- Justinian
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