Quotes of Illustrate - somelinesforyou

“ To enlarge or illustrate this power and effect of love is to set a candle in the sun. ”

- Robert Burton

“ Never abandon a theory that explains something until you have a theory that explains more. ”

- John McCarthy

“ Psychology which explains everything explains nothing, and we are still in doubt. ”

- Marianne Moore

“ Time will explain. ”

- Jane Austen

“ Time will explain it all. He is a talker, and needs no questioning before he speaks. ”

- Euripides

“ The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. ”

- William Arthur Ward

“ There is too much illustrating of the news these days. I look at many editorial cartoons and I don't know what the cartoonists are saying or how they feel about a certain issue. ”

- Paul Conrad

“ Learning should be a joy and full of excitement. It is life's greatest adventure; it is an illustrated excursion into the minds of the noble and the learned. ”

- Taylor Caldwell

“ Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced — even a proverb is no proverb to you till your life has illustrated it. ”

- John Keats

“ A proverb is not a proverb to you until life has illustrated it. ”

- John Keats

“ At twilight, nature is not without loveliness, though perhaps its chief use is to illustrate quotations from the poets. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ Museums, museums, museums, object-lessons rigged out to illustrate the unsound theories of archaeologists, crazy attempts to co-ordinate and get into a fixed order that which has no fixed order and will not be co-coordinated! It is sickening! Why must all experience be systematized? A museum is not a first-hand contact: it is an illustrated lecture… ”

- D. H. Lawrence

“ I am decidedly of the opinion that in very many instances we can trace such a necessary connexion, especially among birds, and often with more complete success than in the case which I have here attempted to explain. ”

- Alfred Russel Wallace

“ Dwell not on the past. Use it to illustrate a point, then leave it behind. Nothing really matters except what you do now in this instant of time. From this moment onwards you can be an entirely different person, filled with love and understanding, ready with an outstretched hand, uplifted and positive in every thought and deed. ”

- Eileen Caddy

“ The most extensive computation known has been conducted over the last billion years on a planet-wide scale: it is the evolution of life. The power of this computation is illustrated by the complexity and beauty of its crowning achievement, the human brain. ”

- David Rogers
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