Quotes of Hilarity - somelinesforyou

“ With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ The landlord's laugh was ready chorus. ”

- Robert Burns

“ If you can laugh at it then you can live with it. ”

- Unknown

“ To move wild laughter in the throat of death? It cannot be; it is impossible: Mirth cannot move a soul in agony. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ There is nothing disarms us like laughter. ”

- Henri Bergson

“ I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh. ”

- Maya Angelou

“ His own heart laughed: and that was quite enough for him. ”

- Charles Dickens

“ Even if there is nothing to laugh about, laugh on credit. ”

- Unknown

“ I live to laugh, and I laugh to live. ”

- Milton Berle

“ Let us have wine and women, mirth and laughter. Sermons and soda water the day after. ”

- Lord Byron

“ If you can laugh at it, you can live with it. ”

- Erma Bombeck

“ Laughter is by definition healthy. ”

- Doris Lessing

“ His hilarity was like a scream from a crevasse. ”

- Graham Greene

“ Fan the sinking flame of hilarity with the wing of friendship; and pass the rosy wine. ”

- Charles Dickens

“ INAUSPICIOUSLY, adv. In an unpromising manner, the auspices being unfavorable. Among the Romans it was customary before undertaking any important action or enterprise to obtain from the augurs, or state prophets, some hint of its probable outcome; and one of their favorite and most trustworthy modes of divination consisted in observing the flight of birds — the omens thence derived being called auspices… ”

- Ambrose Bierce
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