Quotes of Healthier - somelinesforyou

“ It is healthier to see the good points of others than to analyze our own bad ones. ”

- Françoise Sagan

“ It is healthier, in any case, to write for the adults one's children will become than for the children one's "mature" critics often are. ”

- Alice Walker

“ It takes no more effort to expect the best, than to fear for the worst. It's healthier, more productive, and a lot more fun. ”

- Philip Hambert

“ The men — the undergraduates of Yale and Princeton are cleaner, healthier, better-looking, better dressed, wealthier and more attractive than any undergraduate body in the country. ”

- Francis Scott Fitzgerald

“ By exercising control over a few healthy habits, people can live longer, healthier lives and slow the process of aging. ”

- Albert Bandura

“ And I think we're going to have a healthier and a better educated workforce if the president's budget requests for increases are approved. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ Earth Day is an occasion to reflect on what we can do to make our fragile world a cleaner, healthier, safer place to live. ”

- Christopher Dodd

“ I feel that it is healthier to look out at the world through a window than through a mirror. Otherwise, all you see is yourself and whatever is behind you. ”

- Bill Withers

“ I believe it would be considerably healthier for us to dare to live without a reason for many things than with reasons that are simplistic. ”

- M. Scott Peck

“ Any one who knows what the worth of family affection is among the lower classes, and who has seen the array of little portraits stuck over a laborer's fireplace will perhaps feel with me that in counteracting the tendencies, social and industrial, which every day are sapping the healthier family affections, the sixpenny photograph is doing more for the poor than all the philanthropists in the world. ”

- Macmillan Magazine
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