Quotes of Thad Cochran - somelinesforyou

“ And I think we're going to have a healthier and a better educated workforce if the president's budget requests for increases are approved. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ Well, I think the president has clearly submitted us a tight budget, but it's what's called for if we're going to get spending under control and keep the economy moving in the right direction, with economic growth and job creation activity. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ And I think we're going to have a healthier and a better educated workforce if the president's budget requests for increases are approved. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ I think in national security, the war in Iraq is troublesome and a difficult challenge, but our troops and the military leaders we have are managing that situation, although it continues to be very risky and very dangerous. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ We have to make sure that we are a force for peace and stability in the world, and that we're prepared to defend freedom and the security of the American people. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ We have an opportunity, but we have an obligation to senior citizens and to the younger people who are entering the workforce today to help ensure that they are going to be able to trust the government to have a workable program that benefits them as well. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ Well, I think the president has clearly submitted us a tight budget, but it's what's called for if we're going to get spending under control and keep the economy moving in the right direction, with economic growth and job creation activity. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ I think in national security, the war in Iraq is troublesome and a difficult challenge, but our troops and the military leaders we have are managing that situation, although it continues to be very risky and very dangerous. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ President Reagan had a contagious sense of optimism. He believed deeply America was capable of solving our problems through our democratic process of self-government, and that other nations could do the same. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ I think in national security, the war in Iraq is troublesome and a difficult challenge, but our troops and the military leaders we have are managing that situation, although it continues to be very risky and very dangerous. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ We have to make sure that we are a force for peace and stability in the world, and that we're prepared to defend freedom and the security of the American people. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ And I think we're going to have a healthier and a better educated workforce if the president's budget requests for increases are approved. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ President Reagan had a contagious sense of optimism. He believed deeply America was capable of solving our problems through our democratic process of self-government, and that other nations could do the same. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ President Reagan had a contagious sense of optimism. He believed deeply America was capable of solving our problems through our democratic process of self-government, and that other nations could do the same. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ Well, I think the president has clearly submitted us a tight budget, but it's what's called for if we're going to get spending under control and keep the economy moving in the right direction, with economic growth and job creation activity. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ And I think we're going to have a healthier and a better educated workforce if the president's budget requests for increases are approved. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ We have an opportunity, but we have an obligation to senior citizens and to the younger people who are entering the workforce today to help ensure that they are going to be able to trust the government to have a workable program that benefits them as well. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ We have an opportunity, but we have an obligation to senior citizens and to the younger people who are entering the workforce today to help ensure that they are going to be able to trust the government to have a workable program that benefits them as well. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ We have to make sure that we are a force for peace and stability in the world, and that we're prepared to defend freedom and the security of the American people. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ The Senate has acted to provide the funds necessary to continue federal relief efforts. The Senate will likely adopt other emergency appropriations measures as needed to meet future needs as reliable estimates are developed. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ And I think we're going to have a healthier and a better educated workforce if the president's budget requests for increases are approved. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ And I think we're going to have a healthier and a better educated workforce if the president's budget requests for increases are approved. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ And I think we're going to have a healthier and a better educated workforce if the president's budget requests for increases are approved. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ And I think we're going to have a healthier and a better educated workforce if the president's budget requests for increases are approved. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ We have to make sure that we are a force for peace and stability in the world, and that we're prepared to defend freedom and the security of the American people. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ I think in national security, the war in Iraq is troublesome and a difficult challenge, but our troops and the military leaders we have are managing that situation, although it continues to be very risky and very dangerous. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ And I think we're going to have a healthier and a better educated workforce if the president's budget requests for increases are approved. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ And I think we're going to have a healthier and a better educated workforce if the president's budget requests for increases are approved. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ We have to make sure that we are a force for peace and stability in the world, and that we're prepared to defend freedom and the security of the American people. ”

- Thad Cochran

“ I think in national security, the war in Iraq is troublesome and a difficult challenge, but our troops and the military leaders we have are managing that situation, although it continues to be very risky and very dangerous. ”

- Thad Cochran
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